**Do Not Lose This Invitation!**
The 18th Annual Total Wealth Symposium
September 12 – 14, 2019 | Amelia Island, Florida
Only 500 118 Seats Left
How to Profit, Prosper and Protect Your Wealth in the New Roaring Twenties
Hear from ALL of our experts in a live setting — just steps away from the Atlantic Ocean...
Previous crowds have heard insights and recommendations that gave them the chance to make 1,665% gains — in six months.
Join us to see how you could do even better…
Dear Reader,
Opulent mansions, extravagant parties, wealth and excess…
An explosion of industry, fueled by the spread of innovative technologies…
A surging economy and soaring stock market…
Powerful new technologies that raise everyone’s standard of living…
Revolutionary transportation options…
Average Americans rising to great prosperity and prestige…
The Roaring Twenties?
Well, yes. But not the 1920s.
I’m talking about the 2020s. Which is right around the corner.
And on September 12, 2019 — just three months before we usher in a new decade…
At a resort on Florida’s east coast…
The world’s greatest financial minds will come together to show YOU how to prosper, profit and protect your wealth in the New Roaring Twenties.
One hundred years ago, the 1920s brought unprecedented prosperity to the common people — through advancements in industry and technology.
But few made money in the stock market.
Even though the Dow Jones Industrial Average grew six times over from 1921 to 1929 … Less than 1% of Americans owned stocks.
That’s why the New Roaring Twenties stand to be even greater.
There’s room for anyone to become a multimillionaire. In ANY kind of market. If you know where to look.
I’m talking about the kind of wealth even F. Scott Fitzgerald couldn’t dream up.
According to our own Paul Mampilly: “More millionaires and billionaires will be minted in the coming months and years than at any other time in history.”
That’s why you cannot miss the 2019 Total Wealth Symposium.
This live conference is full of market insights from our favorite experts — that’s why we only send this invitation out to our loyal subscribers.
These financial masterminds know what’s on the horizon. And they know how to help you achieve your financial goals — and then some.
You see, we’re standing on the edge of truly amazing times and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to profit. From things like:
We’re only at the beginning stage of ALL of these innovations coming to life. That means we’re only at the beginning of the massive fortunes to be made from them.
Before I continue, let me properly introduce myself.

My name is John Wilkinson. I’m the director of premium services here at Banyan Hill Publishing and master of ceremonies for the Total Wealth Symposium.
In a minute, I’ll show you everything this year’s symposium has to offer.
But first, let me put this unprecedented growth into perspective for you.
The New Roaring Twenties: The Decade of Exponential Growth
Imagine you’re sitting in a football stadium. In a seat in the very top row.
Drops of water are falling into the stadium. Every minute the number of drops double. So the first minute it’s one drop. The second minute it’s two drops. The third it’s four drops, then eight drops. And so on.
“Technology has advanced more in the last 30 years than in the previous 2,000. The exponential increase in advancement will only continue.” — Nobel Prize winning scientist Niels Bohr
How long will it take for the water to reach you in your seat at the top?
Hours? Days? Weeks? Months?
The answer is … 49 minutes.
In less than an hour, a tiny drop of water growing exponentially can fill an entire football stadium.
Now here’s the kicker…
It takes 49 minutes to fill the entire stadium.
But at 45 minutes … the stadium is only 7% full.
It only takes four minutes of exponential growth to fill the other 93% of the stadium and reach the very top.
Right now, in 2019, just the grass is wet. The real, life-changing money will come hard and fast in the next few years.

And you need to be in your seat when the wealth reaches you.
Which is Why You Need to be at Our Total Wealth Symposium, September 12 to 14, in Amelia Island, Florida.
Click here to reserve your spot now!
If you’ve never attended before, a word of advice:
Do not wait to reserve your place. We’re already more than halfway sold out, thanks to past attendees who couldn’t wait to register for this year’s event.
At the 2019 Total Wealth Symposium you will discover how to get rich from a plethora of new ideas, things like:
These just scratch the surface. Our editors plan to cover all of them and more!
And if you plan to enjoy your retirement during the next decade — do you have all the money you want to make the most of it? With some to spare?
Our Experts Will Share What You Need to Know to Set Yourself up to Get Millions in the Bank
Click here to reserve your spot now!
Here’s just some of who you’ll hear from:

Paul Mampilly
Technology expert and stock aficionado Paul Mampilly will take the stage to talk about “disruptification” — his word to describe companies and industries radically transforming the old way of doing things and capitalizing on new consumer and lifestyle trends.
Ideas that are so disruptive to conventional thinking and established ways are the radical ideas that change the course of history (think Nicholas Tesla, Marie Cure, Steve Jobs).
For Paul, disrupters hold an honored place. As an early investor in Netflix and Amazon, he sees these types of companies and industries as the true architects of change.
And they make for terrific stock plays. In his Profits Unlimited newsletter and multiple other trading research services, Paul looks tirelessly for the Amazons of tomorrow — and will share his “super stocks” of the New Roaring Twenties.

Matt Badiali
Real Wealth Strategist editor Matt Badiali is in a league of his own.
Matt spent the first part of his career as a university-trained geologist. Three chapters into his dissertation, he left the academic world behind to begin a whole new venture as a natural resources investor at a billion-dollar investment research firm.
By the time he left, he was the company’s No. 1 stock picker.
“To master the financial markets, you have to have an edge,” Matt says. “Something that separates you from the other 99.9% of investors out there.”
As a geologist and investor, Matt has a rare insight into the commodities and natural resource markets that few on Wall Street can claim.
“Wall Street is completely stumped by these stocks,” he adds. “They don’t follow the typical rules. So while they’re off chasing high-flying tech stocks, I’m showing my readers how to double, triple and even quadruple their money in commodities and natural resources in as little as six months.”

Jeff Yastine
Jeff Yastine is the editor of Total Wealth Insider and the co-editor of Insider Profit Trader. He first joined Banyan Hill Publishing as executive editor in 2015, bringing with him more than two decades of experience as a stock market investor and financial journalist.
Jeff is also a weekly contributor to Banyan Hill’s Sovereign Investor Daily, helping investors understand business, economic and monetary trends and highlighting the safest — yet most profitable — opportunities to invest in the stock market.
An Emmy-nominated anchor and correspondent at PBS Nightly Business Report from 1994 to 2010, Jeff has interviewed and learned the investing secrets of some of the most successful financiers and entrepreneurs of the era — such as Warren Buffett, Michael Dell, Sir Richard Branson and many others.
Jeff’s reporting also helped identify successful investment opportunities in small-cap growth stocks and large company turnarounds, as well as across a wide variety of sectors, from “big box” retail to agriculture and developments in the biopharmaceutical sector.

Ted Bauman
Just as important as making boatloads of money, is making sure you keep it.
That’s where our leading wealth perseveration expert, Ted Bauman, comes in.
Most of our readers know Ted as the editor of our popular The Bauman Letter, the only financial newsletter of its kind that combines a powerful, systemic approach to investing with innovative solutions to grow and protect your wealth.
But, what most people don’t know about Ted is that his work has taken him to over 75 different countries, where he has consulted leading organizations such as the World Bank and United Nations.
If you want to know the best place in the world to store a portion of your wealth so the government, lawyers and greedy relatives can’t get to it — Ted’s got you covered.
If you want to know which countries offer the most financial privacy and who to talk to in those countries, Ted will connect you with the right people. Bottom line, if you’re looking for innovative strategies to enhance your wealth profile, Ted’s your guy.

Ian King
Ian joined the Banyan Hill team in 2018 and has quickly become one of our most popular analysts. When he isn’t writing for Banyan Hill, he is regularly featured on Fox Business, Investopedia, Zero Hedge and Seeking Alpha.
A leading cryptocurrency expert and former hedge fund manager, Ian comes with over two decades’ experience trading and analyzing the financial markets. He also brings his expertise to the Crypto Profit Trader research service and the newly launched monthly newsletter, Automatic Fortunes.
Ian has a message for this year’s Total Wealth Symposium attendees: “If you want the chance to make $1 million in the next year, cryptocurrencies absolutely MUST be a part of your investment portfolio. It is not too late to make money in this growing field … far from it.”

Charles Mizrahi
New to Banyan Hill!
Charles Mizrahi is the newest guru on the Banyan Hill team. He has an uncanny ability to spot ongoing money-making opportunities. His impeccable reputation began at the age of 20, on the trading floor of the New York Futures Exchange.
Not long after that, he moved on to become a wildly successful money manager. Charles was ranked the No. 1 performing market timer — not just on Wall Street but in the entire United States — based on the actual performance of client accounts. Barron’s also ranked Charles as the No. 1 commodity trading adviser.
He has more than 35 years of recommending stocks under his belt, and he’s bringing that experience to his newly-launched Alpha Investor Report.

Michael Carr, CMT, CFTe
Mike Carr is a lot of things.
He’s one of the top traders in the world.
He’s an instructor at the prestigious New York Institute of Finance.
He helped design the Pentagon’s original communications infrastructure — an early-day version of the internet.
He was one of the developers of our nation’s most mission critical nuclear warheads — an experience that has helped him code market-crushing investment strategies.
He’s one of the few Chartered Market Technicians (or CMTs) in the world, making him a true master of technical analysis.
And he’s the developer and mastermind behind our patented Precision Profits and Peak Velocity Trader research services — high-powered trading strategies that have delivered supercharged gains of 111%, 168%, 260% and 496% in the past year.
Mike will provide rare insights into his methodology and challenge the myths that short-term trading is riskier than long-term investing, options are riskier than stocks and investors need to be right all the time.

Chad Shoop, CMT
Chad is our in-house income and investment research expert. He earned two bachelor’s degrees from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in finance and economics. In addition to these achievements, he is a CMT. Fewer than 5,000 people around the world have earned this designation.
Those with CMT designation read and build statistical models that make up a valid trading strategy. Chad developed three trading systems that he uses to help readers of Banyan Hill grow their wealth: Pure Income, Automatic Profits Alert and Quick Hit Profits.
At the symposium, Chad will reveal exactly how he is able to navigate in and out of the market with the grace of Wall Street’s top traders. And how you can use these techniques to maximize the amount of money you make from each trade (and cut your losses to the bone).
Plus you'll have a chance to hear from:

Ian Dyer
Co-editor of Rapid Profit Trader and The $10 Million Portfolio, Ian is one of the top internal analysts here at Banyan Hill and Paul’s go-to guy when it comes to researching new opportunities for his research services. Ian specializes in economics, accounting, portfolio management, stock and bond valuations and many other fields. And he’ll bring his research on one thing all disrupters of the next decade have in common — that could boost your profits tenfold.

Amber Lancaster
Ms. Lancaster is the director of investment research for Bold Profits Publishing at Banyan Hill. She has been immersed in the investment and financial research world for over 20 years. Ms. Lancaster began her financial career at Bloomberg as a data analyst and later as a team leader, where she was responsible for a broad range of research activities. Later, at Weiss Research Inc., Ms. Lancaster led a team of financial researchers.
You may have heard her discussing financial strategies on various radio programs from Fox News Radio and CNBC MarketWatch, to CNN Radio and Traders Nation.
You can also see her each week giving her financial insights in the Bold Profits weekly “Market Talk” webcast. Ms. Lancaster holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s in business administration with a concentration in finance.

John Ross
John Ross has helped tens of thousands of independent investors navigate the market.
He’s crafted a method that lets traders protect and grow their money. He refined it over 12 years of studying global macroeconomics, pattern analysis and investor behavior.
His trading style exploits opportunities created by emotions like fear and greed.
Now he’s bringing his experience and expertise to readers of his Power Trend Profits.

Brian Christopher
Brian is co-editor of Insider Profit Trader. He has an eye for identifying undervalued companies that make big moves in the stock market.
Prior to joining Banyan Hill, Brian was an executive for a Fortune 100 company and served as a consultant in the banking industry.
Just Added!
Special Keynote Speaker: Dave Ramsey

Money-management expert and national radio host personality Dave Ramsey will be joining us for the first time as our special keynote speaker.
The Dave Ramsey Show is the third largest radio talk show in America, heard by more than 14 million listeners each week. Author of seven best-selling books, Dave’s Ramsey Solutions and Financial Peace University help people build wealth, grow their leadership skills and enhance their lives through personal development.
As You Can See, We’re Serious About Showing You How to Set Yourself up for the New Roaring Twenties — and Potentially Make Millions — by Giving You Direct Access to Dozens of Financial Experts
We live in a fast-paced world. And it’s about to get even faster.
Yes, there will be abundant opportunities to get rich beyond your wildest dreams. But there will also be risks and landmines you’ll need to avoid more than ever.
Our gurus will help you prepare and stay vigilant for anything that comes your way. But we’re also flying in a small army of investment and asset protection professionals from around the globe.
They are the best of the best at what they do. They include:
✔ Brad Deflin is our go-to privacy expert. He will show you how to set up cyber security in your home so that you can use the internet without worry. He’ll also reveal the No. 1 mistake wealthy people make that leave them and their wealth exposed — and how to correct it.
✔ Barry Potekin, vice president of Managed Futures Accounts, is one of our most popular speakers. At the symposium, he’ll reveal the No. 1 opportunity he sees outside the stock market — in a professionally managed asset class — that is specifically designed to make money in both up and down markets.
✔ Eric Roseman, founder of ENR Asset Management, was one of our top-investment experts for many years and a longtime member of the Banyan Hill family. At the symposium, Eric will share an investment strategy that has delivered surefire returns over the last century, and how you can take full advantage of it for massive gains.
✔ Richard Smith, founder of TradeSmith’s investment tools, believes in the power of the individual investor. He has spent the last 15 years researching and developing algorithms, educational content and services that help investors find great investments while minimizing their risk.
✔ Juan Fischer, head of one of Uruguay’s leading law firms, will reveal several exciting opportunities in the “Switzerland of South America,” including easy access to secondary citizenship and foreign investment, as well as a unique opportunity in Uruguayan farmland.
This event will undoubtedly be one of the most beneficial experiences of your life. You’ll walk away with tons of new ideas on how to grow and protect your wealth in any market environment.
I liken it to Warren Buffet’s yearly Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting. Only you get firsthand insights from dozens of financial geniuses — and in a much better location, if you ask me.
Just some of what you may learn at this year’s Total Wealth Symposium:
Even though we’re focusing on the next 10 years, you’ll find that many of our discussions are geared toward putting $1 million in your pocket by this time next year! So you can start the New Roaring Twenties with Gatsby-like riches.
Look: Many people missed out on attending last year’s conference because we sold out quickly. This year I expect the same. In fact, tickets may go faster than ever before because we’re travelling to one of the most beautiful places in the United States…
Amelia Island, Florida

Nestled in the sea-island chain of barrier islands, just 30 miles from Jacksonville International Airport, Amelia Island exemplifies the enchantment of the old south and the tropical paradise of Florida’s beaches.
We’ve secured a discounted room block at the elite Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort — which boasts 3.5 miles of secluded beach and one of the most beautiful views of the Atlantic Ocean on the entire east coast.
There are nine on-site restaurants, an infinity-edge adults-only pool, hot tubs, tennis…
And if golf is your thing, tee off from one of two Audubon International Certified Sanctuary golf courses.

The Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort is ranked in the “Top 121 Golf Resorts in the World” by Condé Nast Traveler, and is an official hotel of the PGA Tour.
And you can hit the links at the discounted rate we’ve secured for attendees.
The Total Wealth Symposium officially kicks off the afternoon of Thursday, September 12. But if you come early that day, you can get in on our…
FREE Options Training Sessions
If you’re new to options trading — could use a refresher or would like to hear from one of the top traders in the world — Michael Carr, editor of Peak Velocity, and Precision Profits will be holding two special introductory courses on options for anyone who wishes to attend. If you like the idea of turning a 5% move in a stock into a 500% gain or higher, these quick-start sessions are for you. You may even get a sneak peek at a new options strategy he’s developing exclusively for Banyan Hill members.
“Options 101: Excellent presentation!”
— Randall Parkins, 2018 attendee
These special sessions will take place in the morning on September 12 and are absolutely free to you. Sign up for the symposium and reserve your discounted room today, so that you don’t miss them.
Click here to reserve your spot now!
Our Days Will Be Jam-Packed…
We’ll have you covered with refreshment breaks. And for the first time ever — FREE lunch on Friday and Saturday.
During these breaks you’ll have the unique chance to mingle with your fellow subscribers and share ideas about the presentations you just heard.
…But We’re Going to Have FUN, Too!
We hope you join us for two, private evening receptions. We’ll be serving free drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Unwind with your fellow members and rub shoulders with our gurus.
One of the most special things about our Total Wealth Symposium is that even though there are hundreds of attendees, it still feels like an intimate event. Our gurus — the people you hear from in your inbox every week — are only steps away at any given moment. And while they cannot give any personalized advice, they’re excited to share their insights, hear about your successes and goals and answer your most asked questions.
Take it from members who have attended in the past:
“The speakers are very approachable. Everything and more is covered at this event. I learned a lot. Thank you!” — Dana Berman
“I’ve been to a lot of conferences. But bar none, the Total Wealth Symposium is the best!” – Debbie Barr
“Paul Mampilly, Matt Badiali, Ted Bauman, Jeff Yastine, all were excellent, well prepared, and on top of the game!” – Geoffrey Salzo
“Beyond the speakers, being new to Banyan Hill I just loved meeting other attendees and swapping stories!” – Wendall Dormer
“The diversity of the topics was amazing. Everything and more was covered.” – Peter Rodriguez
“I enjoyed all the speakers. Each contributed their unique perspectives and real-world knowledge.” — Michael Shiek
“I went to the symposium to discover if this could truly be a long-term relationship based on two-way trust. I came away pleased!” – Don Koontz
“You guys are one of the few people in the investment industry that I think tell it like it is, you’ve got great ideas and even though I’ve been an investor professionally for 25 years, I like what you guys provide.” – Jill Stephens
“Banyan Hill has an investment style for every type of investor. The trip to this event was well worth it.” – Pamela Dorne
When you reserve your ticket to
the Total Wealth Symposium, you’ll get access to:
As past attendee Rosemarie Houseman put it, the Total Wealth Symposium is: “Worth many times the price of admission.”
And this year’s is shaping up to be our best yet.
Your Chance to Become a Millionaire in the New Roaring Twenties Starts Right Now
With everything I’ve shared with you about this year’s symposium…
The number of financial experts all in one place…
The state of the art accommodations at one of the most beautiful hotels on Florida’s east coast…
The free meals and receptions…
The diversity of speakers, sessions and panels where you get to ask your questions…
You must be wondering how much it costs. $5,000? $7,500?
Even at $10,000 a head, it would still be a drop in the bucket of what you could potentially earn from our editors’ ideas. Past attendees have had the chance to make 1,665% — in just six months.
But you won’t pay $10,000, $7,500 or even $5,000.
We want to make the Total Wealth Symposium accessible to as many members as possible.
One ticket will cost you just $1,995.
And if you wish to bring a spouse, partner, friend or family member, you can add them for just $995.
We’re confident the Total Wealth Symposium will be the most profitable three days of your life. And it’ll be fun too!
But mark my words: This event will sell out in the next few days. With the way the phones have been ringing off the hook here, it could even be tomorrow.
So please, act now and secure your spot. You will not be able to get in once we sell out!
To Hold Your Seat, Simply Click on the Button Below:
Or contact my team at 877-422-1888 to register today.
I look forward to seeing you in Amelia Island on September 12!

John Wilkinson
Director of Premium Services
Banyan Hill Publishing