Hi, I’m John Wilkinson, director of VIP services here at Banyan Hill Publishing.
And when it comes to VIP services … it doesn’t get much better than this.
As Charles explained in the video above, this is a rare opportunity that could change your finances — and your entire life — forever.
When you join the American Investor Alliance ... you get seven premium research services for life … and never pay an annual subscription fee for any of them
ever again.
That’s right.
Starting today — you can get ongoing trade recommendations from every one of Charles’ current publications…
…along with every trade alert from one of the best technical analysts in the business … Chad Shoop…
…without paying tens of thousands of dollars each year to access each one separately.
This is quite simply the best deal we can ever offer you.
If you’re currently a subscriber to any of these publications…

… then I want you to imagine receiving EVERY … SINGLE … recommendation … trade alert … every piece of investment research … from all five of those services … without paying an annual subscription fee … EVER AGAIN.
And that’s not all…
The moment you join the American Investor Alliance … today … you will also get EARLY BIRD and LIFETIME ACCESS to not one … but TWO of Charles’ and Chad's newest premium research services…
⬥ Charles Mizrahi’s Extreme Prosperity (VALUE: $5,000/year) and…
⬥ Chad Shoop’s Shakeout Fortunes (VALUE: $5,000/year)
Those two new services alone are $10,000 worth of research each and every year … for a Big Fat Zero on annual subscription fees.
But I need to be upfront.
Due to the unique nature of this offer — we are limiting membership to 150 of our most loyal members at this time.
There are several reasons for this.
First of all, as Charles said above…
We want to thank a small number of our most faithful and loyal readers by inviting them to the American Investor Alliance.

This will be an exclusive lifetime membership group.
Also, we want to do this NOW because of how unique and once-in-a-lifetime 2020 has been.
Truth is — you stuck with us this year, as a loyal reader … throughout the COVID-19 bear market, the tremendous recovery and the nonstop volatility.
And you deserve this offer. It will make all your financial decisions in the decades to come easier (and cheaper!).
We can’t think of a better way to thank you for being a subscriber.
And that’s why we’re willing to take this HUGE RISK by offering you LIFETIME ACCESS to our most PREMIUM SERVICES … and set it up so that you never have to pay annual subscription fees ever again.
In other words — we are voluntarily willing to lose out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in the coming years with this offer.
After all … as I had mentioned, you are getting our two newest services (worth $10,000/year) … for free, for life … on top of these current research service...
Altogether, that's...

That’s no individual entry fees. No renewal fees. No subscription fees.
OK, but really — why all SEVEN services, and why FOREVER?
Simple. After what we saw in 2020 … and our projection of what’s to come for the next decade … all the potential opportunities and pitfalls ... we want you covered.
Chad Shoop has a great saying...
It’s not about diversity of investments. It’s about diversity of strategies.
— Chad Shoop
What does this mean? It means that for you to have a well-rounded portfolio … built for massive wealth-building … built for resilience … built for growth and to reduce risk as much as possible…
You must use a variety of strategies.
We here at Banyan Hill truly believe that the next decade in the markets will require you to use a blend of strategies to build wealth. The days of simply giving your money to a mutual fund, or investing in an index exchange-traded fund, or handing it to a financial planner … IS OVER.
The American Investor Alliance is built on the belief and values that the stock market is the greatest wealth creator there is … that America is the greatest country on earth where we all have the opportunity to achieve the American dream … and we’re here to help you do that.
And as an "alliance," you will join a group of like-minded individuals who share these foundational principles.
What you get when you join us is every strategy that Chad and Charles believe in, teaches and recommends.
On one side, you get long-term investments from Charles. He finds undervalued stocks you can hold on to. Companies that will provide you with massive growth over the years.
On the other side — you have the opportunity to set aside a small part of your portfolio to take advantage of short-term gains. That’s what Chad does for you. He finds the pockets in the market that are inefficient and can be exploited.
It’s how he’s able to find top gains like 175% in eight days … 244% in five days … and even 288% in three months.
Together — Charles and Chad's seven research services can help you find … long-term, bargain-hunting stocks for an easy retirement … small-cap stocks set to skyrocket over the next few months and years (soon to be released) … fast-paced plays that could pay off in spades … and straight-up Wall Street income in your pockets using an “options trick”…
Combined together — these strategies will help you get the edge you need and build wealth … for yourself, for your family … and for your legacy.
And up until now, you’d have to pay over $37,000 per year to get all seven of these services together.
As a thank-you for being a loyal reader — we are waiving that $37,699 a year subscription fee when you sign up today … for the rest of your life.

I want you to fully understand the value here.
With 40 years of combined experience…
Charles Mizrahi and Chad Shoop have delivered stellar results to their readers.
As you may know, Charles Mizrahi, got his start on the New York Futures Exchange almost 40 years ago at the young age of 20 … and within three years, ran his own money management firm.

By the time he was 36, he ranked as one of America’s No.1 traders in Barron’s … a feat so impressive, big investment firms such as Goldman Sachs, Citicorp and Credit Suisse came to Charles, asking him to manage their money … and for good reason ... he went on to deliver gains of 310% within three years.

Thanks to Charles, countless folks like you have already had the chance to make truly, life-changing gains...
And I don’t say that lightly.
In fact, here’s an email from Fernando:

Dennis in Portland, Maine wrote:

Paul from Sedona, Arizona said:

Juan from New York wrote:

And Mary from Palm Springs, California, said:

Aren’t these incredible.

Chad Shoop is a market prodigy who received the prestigious CMT designation (or Chartered Market Technician) at the young age of 30. This is the most elite qualification technical traders can get … in fact, only the top 1% of financial professionals have it.
Chad’s “tactical” approach gives you the opportunity to grab big gains in a short period of time. And it’s perfect for a small part of your portfolio.
And while Chad and Charles would never recommend putting all your eggs in one basket, make no mistake, there is a lot of money to be made here ... and fast.
Top gains such as...
⬥ 287% in seventy-nine days
⬥ 258% in just over two months
⬥ 245% in in twenty days
⬥ 244% in five days
⬥ 175% in eight days
⬥ 137% in under three months
And just look what folks have to say about Chad’s big fast gains...
>>Scroll to view>>
I can’t tell you how thrilled Charles, Chad and everyone here is when we see emails like this come in. It’s the real reason we do this.
And today — you’re receiving an unprecedented opportunity to get all of their services … over $32,000 worth every year … for life, and for just a one-time payment…
To level the playing field.
To give you the same advantage that Wall Street has.
To help regular folks, like you, get the retirement they deserve.
If you’re reading this — it means you’ve had the chance to profit from a recommendation from Charles or Chad.
So making this decision to join the American Investor Alliance … save a bunch of money … and receive all seven of their current (and newest) research services for life … should be easy.
But here’s the thing…
What you’re seeing on this page is a limited-time offer, made exclusively to our most loyal readers only — for current readers of Chad and Charles only.
We have carefully selected YOU to be invited to join the American Investor Alliance.
Should you refuse (and I hope you don’t) … you may never see this once-in-a-lifetime offer ever again.
So I hope you take this opportunity seriously.
Because joining the American Investor Alliance is the best decision you could possibly make.
After all, once you join the American Investor Alliance, you get FULL, COMPLETE and NONSTOP access to every investment research advisory Chad and Charles has released to date ... plus two additional ones that will launch in early 2021.
And as I’ve mentioned already — we are entering a very unique time in America. The volatility of the last couple of years has scared a lot of investors out of the market. This chaos has created a LOT of untapped opportunities to build accelerated wealth.
In fact, Charles believes we are entering a period that’s not unlike the roaring ‘20s of a century ago.
But in order to take advantage of all those opportunities … it’s important you have a “tool set” of strategies. That’s where the American Investor Alliance can help you…
So let’s go through each of them.
The first one is…

What if you woke up one morning … logged into your brokerage account…
And saw a stock that you never bought … that was worth thousands of dollars?

If these stocks just suddenly and magically appeared in your account … (studies have shown this could happen as often as twice a month!)…
How would your life change?
What’s more…
These stocks that show up in your account seemingly out of nowhere, go on to skyrocket, for example, an extra 737% gain in just six months ... an 862% gain in just 11 months ... and a 1,271% gain in just 10 months.
No doubt they’re some of the best-performing historical examples Charles uncovered. Of course, we’re showing maximum potential … and no one should expect to get the timing this perfect.
But in many ways — it’s like finding a winning lottery ticket on the street! Heck, it’s better than a lottery ticket … because the jackpot actually keeps growing!
It sounds strange that stocks would just appear in your brokerage account … and have the potential to become 10-baggers … but for countless investors, this does happen.
This is the strategy behind Charles Mizrahi’s Lifetime Profits.
This is one of the exact same strategy’s top investors such as Peter Lynch , Warren Buffett and Seth Klarman have personally endorsed as a good way to build wealth.
And what’s more — Charles promises you, if you follow this strategy by investing in the right stocks at the right time … ANOTHER stock could “magically” appear in your brokerage account at any moment!
The strategy behind Lifetime Profits comes down to a SEC form called the “10-12B.” When one of these forms is submitted, within a few months … countless investors around the world receive “free shares” in their brokerage account.
Subscribers to Lifetime Profits are already taking advantage of this strategy and writing us with results such as…

And Stuart A. sent an email that really caught my eye… he wrote:

Just imagine seeing big, solid, triple-digit gains in a matter of months.
With results like this … it’s not hard to see why we have Lifetime Profits retailing at $10,000 per year.
But as a charter member of the American Investor Alliance … after today, it’s yours FREE for life.
Every opportunity for stocks to “just show up” in your brokerage account after making a unique investment is yours for the taking … Charles and his team will tell you exactly what steps to take in order to take advantage of this strategy.
And that’s just the beginning.
Because when you join American Investor Alliance, you also get nonstop access to…

There are over 5,000 stocks trading on the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and AMEX...
And every 90 days, there's a flurry of activity as they all release their quarterly earnings.
You've seen it happen many times before.
You've seen the major financial media companies covering it.
You've seen how stock prices go up (or down) ... all due to the "earnings report"...
As you know — "earnings season" in the financial world is playoffs in sports, elections in politics and the finals in a tournament.
Everyone is "betting" on their favorite companies by buying their stock right before earnings ... hoping to cash in on the "big pop" after the earnings call.
But, did you know...
That's completely wrong and backwards?
Charles and Chad are NOT gambling men. They don't believe in taking anything less than a calculated risk when it comes to investing.
Instead — with thorough research, Chad has discovered that about 1% of all stocks do something “unusual” shortly after earnings.
They hit a "profit trigger."
And when these stocks hit the profit trigger post earnings … you can swoop in and trade them for the chance at fast triple-digit returns.
It sounds crazy, but yes, Chad Shoop has found a way to help you make more money POST earnings (after all the results are in) ... instead of chewing your fingernails waiting for the earnings call.
With this strategy, Chad's readers have seen top gains like...
76% in eight days with Netflix ...

127% in 27 days on Facebook ...

And 259% in a couple months on … Endo International.

And his readers LOVE IT:
Danielle Bouchard more than doubled her money:

Peter Kincaid nearly doubled his money:

And Roy Sullivan says the profits are so good, he quit his job:

And that's what Chad's premium research service, Quick Hit Profits, is all about … the moment a stock hits its profit trigger … Chad sends you a trade alert to cash in!
What's more — Chad has found that there are 328 opportunities each year for profit triggers you can take advantage of ... due to companies legally needing to report earnings four times a year.
Thousands of readers already enjoy this service. Take a look at some of the best results we’ve seen…
Richard Biltmore said:

Charlie Pittman made even more money: $37,200, on a 388% gain.

Debbie Gorman’s results were absolutely nuts. She said:

And Nick Martucci totally went for it … he made $128,000 … in three days.

And what I’ve shown you so far is only a few of the 140 wins that Chad Shoop has delivered to his Quick Hit Profits readers.
If you’re not currently a reader getting at least three to four options recommendations each month from Chad when he discovers another stock hitting its profit trigger…
One, you’re missing out … and…
Two, you’ll never miss out again the moment you join the American Investor Alliance.
Of course, by all means…
If you went retail, Quick Hit Profits would cost you $5,000 each and every year.
But once again … as an inaugural member of the American Investor Alliance…
After today, Quick Hit Profits is yours free for life. You won’t pay a single dime in subscription fees for it … ever again.
And it’s just one of the many strategies you’ll receive from Chad Shoop.
You also get access to Chad’s income-generating…

What if there was a way to “collect” income from Wall Street?
This simple yet little-known strategy from Chad Shoop shows you how.
In the first five months of 2020, when the world was dealing with coronavirus, economic shutdown, stock market crashes, election craziness ... you could’ve collected…
⬥ $1,000 on January 17
⬥ $550 on March 4
⬥ $1,080 on April 8
⬥ $1,253 on April 29
⬥ $1,183 on May 18
And here’s the best part, these are upfront payments that you get … straight into your brokerage account.
You don’t have to own stocks to do this. In fact, you could be earning at least $1,600 each and every month following Chad’s Pure Income strategy on two to four trades each month.
Now to be clear — you do need cash in your brokerage account in order to execute this strategy — at least $10,000 per play. But those are the only requirements.
And consider this, with 37 opportunities to generate income with this strategy in one year alone...
Had you invested in each play, you could have racked up tidy $46,226 in annual income on about a $150,000 of invested capital.
But it gets even better.
You see, the payout I mentioned above was only the suggested minimum. You could actually increase the payment by double … triple … or as much as you like. You simply need to have a larger amount of cash in your brokerage account.
And what’s more…
These are not hard to do. And they only take 60 seconds to execute. That’s why Chad calls them “1-Minute Windfalls.”
And these 1-Minute Windfalls pay off. Take a look at how much you could’ve collected in 2020 using just $10,000 per trade…

In terms of pure moneymaking capability … it doesn’t get more straightforward than Pure Income.
Now, Pure Income is an options strategy, as is Quick Hit Profits. Both use different kinds of options and both have different kinds of risks and rewards to be aware of.
We’ll explain how to manage risk, too. But the key is to understand how it works so you never invest more than you can afford to lose.
Just take a look at what readers of Chad Shoop’s Pure Income are experiencing…

*[Based on his 3.5 year membership with us and our track record
averages, we estimate Steve used $42k to make his returns]
That’s why we’re not embarrassed to put a hefty $7,500 price tag on this annual subscription.
After all — if you make just eight trades in one year … you would literally pay for the publication itself … and every other trade Chad sends you afterward has the opportunity to be — pardon the pun — PURE INCOME.
But as an American Investor Alliance member, after today, it’s yours free for life.
And we’ve only covered just three of the seven investment strategies you’ll get for life … without paying an annual subscription fee ever again!
You also get lifetime access to…

What if, instead of averaging the returns in your portfolio like this:

You “stacked” the profits instead?

That sounds strange doesn’t it? You can’t just take the returns of each stock in your account and “stack” them.
With “Profit Stacking” you can. As you’ve seen now, Chad Shoop has a full deck of tricks up his sleeve when it comes to making fast, quick-gain returns on Wall Street.
What’s more — his out-of-the-box strategies … work.
Take this Profit Stacking business for instance. What’s going on here? There are three steps in this strategy.
First, you need to understand that there are certain parts of the stock market … that are so cyclical … so historically predictable … you can pinpoint the day of the year when they tend to go up in price … and the day when they go down.
Next thing you need to know is that Chad has found 15 of these oddly predictable investments.
So imagine this — if you know exactly when an investment goes up and down … like clockwork … every year… you would invest in it only during its “profit season,” right?
And if that profit season was only three months …you could reinvest that money somewhere else the other nine months, right? Does this make sense?
That’s what Profit Stacking is.
Obviously, there’s a lot more.
Like — what are the 15 investments that Chad discovered that act so cyclical? Is there a calendar that showed you exactly when to get in and out? And what kind of returns can you make if you did this over and over again?
Well, by dipping in and out the market — only during the most “profitable seasons” — one of the best of these “stacks” alone beat the market by three times over a three-year period.
You can get a copy of these 15 investments, the calendar … and notification when a profit season is about to start with Automatic Profits Alert.
Chad Shoop has taught many investors and everyday folks the exact dates when these profit stacks start. Just take a look at what Chad’s readers have written about Profit Stacking…
Lawrence wrote:

Matt said:

Janice wrote:

Automatic Profits Alert normally retails for $5,000 per year.
And Chad has strung these Profit Stacks together since 2016 to 2019 … leading to profits as high as 135% .
But it’s yours free as a lifetime American Investor Alliance member.
As is also…

Here’s the newsletter that started it all…
Alpha Investor is Charles’ monthly newsletter where he shows subscribers the smartest and safest ways to profit using his proprietary method…
Where he hunts down ALPHA investments … “alpha” because it’s the leader, but also “alpha” because on Wall Street, a company's alpha means how much it beats its industry or the market.
In other words — stocks that grow faster than everyone else.
As you may know…
Charles has a three-step strategy for sourcing these alpha investments…
- First, Charles looks for an Alpha Industry … the stock has to be in a growing market.
- Next, he wants the company to be led by Alpha Management … top CEOs with proven track records…
- Finally, Charles wants a company with Alpha Money … the financial statements have to look good: income, balance and cash flow…
The results speak for themselves. His Alpha Investor strategy from past services have pulled in astounding, top gains that readers could have seen if they bought when he wrote about them and held to their peaks such as…
632% on the TJX Companies…

1,070% on Microsoft…

705% on Atrion…

I’m showing you gains from Charles’ other services because Charles looks for companies to invest in, not trade. You hang onto his recommendations for the long haul.
That’s why he doesn’t have any closed gains in this service to show you.
But as you can see by readers across his services, they are a happy bunch…
David wrote:

Jim said:

Trevor wrote:

Reza said:

Michael wrote:

Those are just a few of his readers.
And from this point moving forward … you’ll get every single one of his stock picks … for life, for free.
These are long-term, buy-and-hold stocks that we hope become 10-baggers in the years to come.
These are the stocks that you buy and forget because we're investing in companies here and not "stocks."
And with the addition of Alpha Investor to this group of publications, we create a well-rounded portfolio of Chad's short-term trades and Charles’ long-term investments.
That’s yet another one of the many LIFETIME benefits you receive as an American Investor Alliance member.
Alpha Investor Report normally retails for $199.
But starting today, when you take me up on my offer, every stock recommendation from this day forward is free of charge.
And we’re not done still…
Because after much discussion and debate…
Due to the unique nature of how 2020 turned out, we felt it was prudent to open American Investor Alliance up for inaugural membership NOW … much earlier than we planned…
That’s why…
You're going to get EARLY BIRD access to TWO of our premium services.
These are services that the public won't have access to until early 2021. (We're still putting the finishing touches on them.)
But as inaugural members of the American Investor Alliance...
We’re going to give you EARLY ACCESS before the public … AND, of course, LIFETIME ACCESS as well.
Let me tell you about them…

In Extreme Prosperity, Charles unveils his method for finding the most neglected and undervalued small-cap stocks.
Why small caps?
Because it's a double whammy when they pop...
Not only are they valued below a $3 billion market cap (which gives them room to grow ... a lot of room)...
But because they're fast movers, they can have explosive growth in a matter of months instead of years.
The method is simple...
Charles uses a three-step strategy for sourcing alpha investments ... (the very same one he leverages for Alpha Investor)...
And Charles uses it to find undervalued small-cap stocks just as they're about to "pop" and give his readers the opportunity for massive growth.
And what's more...
Based on Charles' research, this decade is set to be some of the best years to invest in small caps.
The last time small-cap stocks had this much potential was 17 years ago in the aftermath of the internet bubble ... when the entire sector shot up 60% in a single year and over 140% in just 48 months.
And today, with the recent market collapse in our rearview mirror, small caps have soared 56% in just six months and are just getting started on their new bull run .
Of course, small stocks are more volatile than larger stocks, so there is increased risk.
To help manage that risk, he suggests buy-up-to prices that he recommends his readers stay under. No one should go chasing these stocks.
Here's what's really exciting...
Charles is putting the final touches on this service and as a VIP member of the American Investor Alliance today, you will be one of the elite few to get early bird access.
For anyone joining us, the retail annual subscription fee for Extreme Prosperity will be $5,000…
But when you join American Investor Alliance today … you will get it free ... along with early bird access to Extreme Prosperity.
Along with every stock recommendation from this point forward...
And last but not least...
You will also get EARLY BIRD access to...

As you know...
Whenever there are negative headlines, bad earnings reports or a big global situation (like this year)...
Stock prices get hit. They get hit hard.
In fact, if the news is bad enough ... there's a "shakeout" and investors panic and sell.
But does ONE event define how well a company is doing in the long-term?
In fact, most of the time, the bad press was just a very small, very temporary setback.
Chad's latest service, called Shakeout Fortunes ... zeroes in on these exact situations...
Where a stock (for whatever temporary reason) plummets 10% ... 20% ... even as much as 50%...
But by using Chad's proprietary research strategy ... and a very unique options trade ... Chad’s top-performing historical examples show that you could jump in and ride your fortunes to as much as 142% in 59 days, 192% in 32 days and 428% in 59 days .
What's the secret?
Chad is using Charles' strategy of starting with Charles’ Alpha stocks first. But by using options, you can take positions that can be cheaper than buying shares outright.
Because you can trade in these companies with less capital, it ensures you risk much less if the trade goes bad. We're basically looking at giants like Apple, Wells Fargo and Caterpillar ... grade A stocks that are simply having a "bad week" when compared to their decades of growth and competitive edge.
Listen — it's like if a football team gave up on their star quarterback just because he had a cold on game day ... and trades him away!
It sounds crazy. But it happens in the stock market all the time.
Just a little bad news and the stock price goes spiraling.
Chad steps in to exploit this weakness in the stock market.
Of course, just like all the other strategies I’ve mentioned, this has risk. But that’s precisely why you should have lots of different strategies, to put your eggs in different baskets!
Now, when this publication launches, it will retail for $5,000 per year.
But as an American Investor Alliance member...
You're going to get recommendation from Shakeout Fortunes ... for free ... for life.
All told…
When you join the American Investor Alliance today, you get access to all of Charles’ and Chad's current strategies.
Not for just one year, but for life.
This is a subscription that NEVER ENDS … allowing you to take advantage of Charles’ and Chad's recommendations … tips … and trade alerts … year after year after year.

Let’s do the math quickly here…

Add them up together, and you can see…
The 1-Year Value of ALL of These Premium Research Services Is $37,699
At five years, the total value comes to $188,495…
And in 20 years, someone who subscribed annually at retail price, paying for each service separately, would’ve paid $753,980.
But after today, you’ll never have to pay a yearly subscription fee for any of them.
You can imagine, other happy, loyal subscribers are ready to jump on this.
Readers such as…
As always, you were spot on. My portfolio is performing well, and I'm learning a lot. Grateful for all your hard work.
— Ryan A., Subscriber
Your investment approach and philosophy rings true to me.
— Larry S., Subscriber
I love the way you keep emotion out of the equation and stick to the facts. I look forward to the next trade. Stay safe.
— Mike F., Subscriber
People have truly been profiting hand over first thanks to the research they get from Chad and Charles.
Listen — by joining the American Investor Alliance, your return on investment on our research could reach astronomical numbers.
After all, you are investing one, single membership fee once today … and you’ll receive all of Charles’ and Chad's recommendations and alerts for the rest of your life … helping you build a nest egg that you can live on and pass off to your children and grandkids.
And here’s something else to consider…
We’re just getting started. As you know, you are getting two new services in 2021 on top of the current five. You may also receive additional lifetime access to FUTURE PREMIUM SERVICES from Chad, Charles and other experts we bring on … FOR FREE.
But I want to be absolutely 100% clear on one thing here:
This is a very limited offer we’re making to an exclusive list of our most loyal readers.
You … are on this list … You are in the top 20% of our readers.
As Charles mentioned in the video above…
We are making this extraordinary offer to our most serious and loyal subscribers … many of which have been with us since the very first issue of Alpha Investor back in February of 2019.
It means a lot to us when our readers stick with us. We want to return the favor … and give you access to all of Charles’ current research for life at one low cost.
But we didn’t stop there, because we want to help our most loyal readers build a well-rounded model portfolio with cutting-edge trading strategies as well…
That’s why Charles insisted we bring Chad Shoop into the American Investor Alliance … and included his four premium research services (including his latest, forthcoming strategy which finds “shakeout trades”)…
This is our way of giving back to our most loyal readers.
Again, every American Investor Alliance member gets over $32,000 worth of research every year — for life! And that’s just to start!
We simply can’t allow everyone in, and that’s why we must limit the number of inaugural American Investor Alliance members. First come, first served.
This is our highest level of membership.
It’s our way of genuinely thanking our most loyal subscribers … for being a part of our mission.
Our business is nothing without people like you who have put your trust in Chad and Charles and subscribed to our research services in the first place.
Now it’s our turn to thank you.
And that’s why, because of how much we appreciate your loyalty to our research over the last few years…
We’re going the extra mile for you.
For new American Investor Alliance members who join today, we are including several VIP bonuses...
The first is…

VIP membership bonus No. 1: a signed copy of Charles’ newest book … Wall Street Profits for Main Street Investors: The Proven Secret to Making Money Like a Pro.
Part autobiography, part investing lessons, part Wall Street exposé...
100% moneymaking wisdom.
Charles' first published book — How to Get Started in Value Investing (published by Wiley 2007) — is fast becoming a classic given its recent surge toward the top of Amazon’s bestsellers in the business investments category ...
And in his newest book, he’s pulled out all the stops to help Main Street Americans take back their financial future with stock investing that is easy, fun and profitable.
In Wall Street Profits for Main Street Investors: The Proven Secret to Making Money Like a Pro, Charles reveals how his mindset and mentality, even from his childhood days, led him to landing a job on Wall Street at the age of 20!
He also shares some of his biggest secrets on how Wall Street "works" to part you from your money ... key principles he's followed to build a small fortune ... some of his worst mistakes as a floor trader and how you can learn from them...
And why sometimes even the most successful investors fail and lose their shirt … a lesson that you can apply right away — and could be worth millions in the bank in a few years.
And what's more...
You will be getting a copy fresh off the press. In fact, you will get your copy before it hits Amazon and wherever else books are sold.
We’re in the process of making the final edits to this book right now…
And the moment we get our first shipment of this book...
Charles will sign a limited number of copies for American Investor Alliance members...
And then...
Your signed copy will be shipped straight to your door.
And that’s not all. We’re also including…

VIP membership bonus No. 2: LIFETIME streaming access to the Total Wealth Symposium.
For almost 20 years, we’ve held an annual event called the Total Wealth Symposium.

You may have heard of it. Or even been to one.
As you may know, past attendees say it’s the best investment research conference in the industry, where some of the top financial minds get together to share their most cutting-edge and latest findings for the coming year…
It really brings your financial goals to crystal focus.
Just listen to what some of them have said…
Beyond the speakers, being new to Banyan Hill I just loved meeting other attendees and swapping stories!
— Wendall Dormer, Subscriber
The diversity of the topics was amazing. Everything and more was covered.
— Peter Rodriguez, Subscriber
I enjoyed all the speakers. Each contributed their unique perspectives and real world knowledge.
— Michael Shiek, Subscriber
Banyan Hill has an investment style for every type of investor. The trip to this even was well worth it.
— Pamela Dorne, Subscriber
For this VIP bonus, we’ve decided that you’re “in for life.”
As an American Investor Alliance member, you get lifetime streaming access to EVERY SINGLE Total Wealth Symposium event, from now until the end of time.
That means you can “attend” our events from the comfort of your living room.
You’ll get access to an encrypted website, where you can watch all the presentations from all our experts.
What's more…
And this is a huge "bonus feature" of this streaming access...
You ALSO get our video archive of previous presentations. We have a library of our best presentations from years past ready for you to view. Including what are now "iconic" lectures on topics such as...
Cybercrime and online fraud: how to protect yourself...

How to create a winning portfolio in any market...

On the hunt for pot's next winner...

Mainstream blockchain is here! Buy this...

Usually, we charge $695 for streaming access. And just for one year.
But as an American Investor Alliance member, you’ll get next year … and every single year beyond that … absolutely free.
What’s more…
You will get FULL ACCESS to our entire library of past TWS event recordings.
That content alone, could be worth $10,000 in financial research.
And as if that wasn’t enough…
I have one last VIP bonus for you to take advantage of when you join American Investor Alliance today…
VIP membership bonus No. 3: legacy privileges.
This last benefit is one Charles specifically requested.
Just like many of our readers, Charles fundamentally believes that wealth isn’t only about money.
It’s about freedom and leaving a legacy for your children and grandkids to enjoy … so that your family as a whole can move forward and upward … and not hit the reset button every generation.

We share those same values here in the American Investor Alliance.
And with that said — your membership benefits are not just “for life” for you…
We are making it so that you can pass down your membership — and all the benefits that come with it — to your kids or grandkids, so they can benefit from world-class, institutional-level research in their lives as well.
It will be as if Chad and Charles are your family’s investment researchers, being passed down from one generation to the next.
This, to us, is the most important gift we can give you as an American Investor Alliance member.
It means your membership will do so much more than help you grow and safeguard your own personal wealth.
It will also be a part of the legacy you pass down to the ones you love, helping to ensure that their wealth continues to grow.
Let me show you everything you (and your future generations) get in one single shot:

I hope this makes you excited.
As an American Investor Alliance member, you become part of our family. You get all these privileges for life … and you can pass them on, as well.
Adding up everything altogether…

Just the FIRST year value alone comes to $38,443.
At five years … it surges to $189,239. Twenty years from now, you would’ve paid a GRAND TOTAL of $754,724…
Take a look…

The high dollar amounts you see on the left column under retail are prices you will NEVER have to pay … nor your children or grandkids.
You receive ALL this research … for life!
Because once you’re in the American Investor Alliance, you become family. Which also means — your heirs get to benefit from your smart decision as well!
Which brings me to the next point…
Banyan Hill — the publisher behind this lifetime access to all of Charles’ and Chad's current strategies…
It reserves the right to close the doors on this offer. The chief financial officer is worried we’re losing a lot of money on a deal this great. Especially since it’s tens of thousands of dollars in savings not just this year … but year after year after year…
Between you and me…
I heard around the offices that they’re opening up
Given that we are sending this exclusive invitation to only our most loyal subscribers…
Which numbers in the thousands ... I would not hesitate or wait.
So I encourage you to act on this offer ASAP.
That said, I want to make this an easy decision for you.
As I said, getting all the benefits I’ve gone over with you today would cost over $37,699 for a single year of access.
If we were to charge $50,000 for a lifetime membership, it would be more than worth it.
After all, that’s less than you’d pay to get everything for two years at retail price.
And considering folks are using this same type of research to make hundreds of thousands … $50,000 would still be a great value.
But if you act now … you don’t have to pay anywhere near that.
That’s right.
For a LIFETIME’S worth of some of the best investment research on the planet … plus all the services, VIP bonuses…
You can get it all — for life — and never pay a subscription fee ever again … for a fraction of the cost.
This is the Best Financial Decision You Could Ever Make
Just think — you will always have a proven Wall Street expert sending you his best investment recommendations … for life!
Research that has given loyal readers like you the chance to rack up huge double- and triple-digit gains over the last 24 months ... and with Charles’ new small-cap service … and Chad’s new options trading alerts…
You could be looking at triple-digit trades … as often as six every year!
Simply put, with this elite membership, you are about to have the ultimate chance to get rich.
This is your best ticket to securing your future. Or if you want to make progress with your financial goals, this is how you could get there … and beyond!
I’m serious.
Take a look at what one of Charles' readers said about him on New Year's Day...

I am so excited for you to have this opportunity. Both Chad and Charles are too. They’re both very excited to welcome you into the American Investor Alliance … to get these best investment tips, recommendations and research … for life.
But YOU have to make the decision.
Chad and Charles and their respective teams are ready and waiting. They have put together everything you need to amass life-changing wealth.
The Next Step is On You
Again, the one-year value of all the invaluable research I’ve gone over with you today is $37,699…
At five years, it’s a value of $188,495. Twenty years from now, you would’ve paid over $753,980 in subscription fees.
That’s why $50,000 for a lifetime subscription to the American Investor Alliance would be more than reasonable.
But today — through this exclusive invitation — sent only to our most loyal subscribers…
You can join the American Investor Alliance, and get instant access to all their current research, along with all the VIP benefits, for life…
For just $15,000.
That’s over 60% OFF the one-year value of all the benefits you get. Which again, is $37,699.
And let’s be clear here…
That is a tiny fraction of the five-year value of $188,495.
Imagine … compared to 20, 30 years of endless service at almost a million dollars … it is but a mere fraction compared to the value you get.
And that’s just what you stand to save.
I’ve shown you the incredible feedback we’ve received already — from Charles’ and Chad's happy subscribers.
You already know how powerful their investment strategies are — each and every single one of them on their own.
Now imagine all of them together, in your hands, for life.
Bottom line, $15,000 … for a lifetime’s worth of ALL seven of Charles’ and Chad's research services … is an absolute steal.
As an American Investor Alliance member, you no longer have to pick and choose which services you want to subscribe to … instead, you get all of them, creating a holistic, diversified "set of strategies" ... and you don't pay a single dime of subscription fees anymore.
As a lifetime American Investor Alliance member, you get every benefit I’ve listed today, not just for the next year, but for the rest of your life… In fact, you can even leave this as a legacy for your children and grandchildren as well!
This is our way of saying “thank you” from the bottom of our hearts for your loyalty to Charles and Chad.
And with that said, I want to be clear on something. This is a once-in-a-lifetime deal. By extending our trust to you in this way… by giving you access to our research for a one-time subscription fee… we must ask you for your trust and commitment as well.
As such, there are no refunds for the American Investor Alliance. We only want our most loyal readers with us, so we can return the favor year over year, decade after decade.
That said, I do realize that $15,000 is a lot of money to pay upfront.
But the great news is, you don’t have to.
Based on your history with us, I’ve worked out a special way for you to get in without paying the full amount today.
I think you’ll love it.
Doing this will allow you to pay a significantly reduced price right now — giving you instant access to all of Charles’ and Chad’s premium services for life … along with EARLY BIRD access to their newest services coming out later this year.
Simply put, this is the best deal we’ll ever make you.
After today, you will never have to pay a single yearly subscription fee to any of the services I’ve mentioned — Lifetime Profits, Quick Hit Profits, Pure Income, Automatic Profits Alert, Alpha Investor…
Along with … Charles’ newest research service focused on small caps … and Chad’s newest out-of-the-box strategy where he identifies shakeout trades with the potential to make as much as 142% in 59 days, 192% in 32 days and 428% in 59 days.
PLUS — you get a signed copy of Charles’ latest book … a free ticket plus a discount for a friend to any one of our future annual Total Wealth Symposiums … on top of that, lifetime streaming access to that event … and legacy benefits for your family … meaning you can pass on the gift of wealth knowledge to the next generation.
But You Must Act Today
We are prepared to close this offer at any moment.
We expect the very few and very limited memberships to be taken up over the next 24 hours.
And the moment our publisher says we’ve reached our cap, that’s it. You will never see this offer again.
Now, of course — this should be an easy decision for you.
After all, after today? You will never have to pay a single subscription fee to get Charles’ and Chad's research ever again.
Instead, you simply pay one price right now — over 92% off the five-year value — and get all seven of Charles’ and Chad's premium services and more for life.
After that, the only thing you will ever have to pay again is a small annual maintenance fee of $395 to help cover our publishing costs.
That’s it.
I have all the details for you on the next page.
But once again, with your heavily discounted one-time subscription fee … and a small annual maintenance fee, which you won’t have to pay in your first year … you get all seven of Charles. and Chad's signature research services, and more, for the rest of your life.
That’s every issue … every recommendation … every trade alert … every report … every podcast … every presentation…
All you need to do is simply click on the button below for more.
You’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can review everything I’ve mentioned, including the reduced price I’ve authorized for you to pay today as one of our most loyal readers.
But remember…
This invitation to get all of Charles’ and Chad's research for life at one low cost is only available for a limited time only.
So I want to impress this upon you … this is a very unique and limited offer.
You Will Never See an Opportunity Like This Again
Again, simply click on the button below to be taken to our secure order form and view our special offer.
Or, if you’d prefer to order over the phone, even better.
You can reach my team and me at
I always look forward to speaking to our most loyal subscribers — as you may see me doing in the hallways at the Total Wealth Symposium.
My team and I would love to welcome you into the American Investor Alliance personally.
To join today, click the button below…
Or call us directly. The number is
Because from this moment forward, as a founding member of the American Investor Alliance ... you'll get that service for the rest of your life for zero subscription fees.
Thank you. I look forward to welcoming you into the American Investor Alliance.

John Wilkinson
Director of VIP Services
Banyan Hill Publishing
November 2020