See How I’ve Been Using This Fast Lane Code to Rack Up 1-Week Returns of 16%, 52%, 89%, 137%, 246% and Even 308%

[Official Transcript]

Imagine this … is the stock market.

It’s endlessly massive … like a gigantic super highway.

In rush hour, every company drives along it.

But with over 24,000 tickers clogging up the lanes, most of them just inch along endlessly.

This is why, according to a study from DALBAR, when the typical investor tries to pick stocks on their own … they pick wrong, and make only 3.69% a year.

That’s less than half the return of the overall stock market!

The fact is, the odds are stacked against you.

You literally have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than picking the best stock in the market.

But starting today, that all changes.

Because today, I’m going to show you how to cut through the chaos…

And create your own personal express lane right through the heart of the stock market.

I’m about to show you a program I’ve been using to find the market’s fastest-moving stocks before they take off.

And it all comes down … to this.

This line of code is the key to the most powerful investment software on earth.

With it, I can determine exactly which stocks are positioned for rapid price moves each and every day of the week.

Which is why I call it my Fast Lane Code.

This Code has already helped me see average gains that are 50 times better than regular buy-and-hold investors on every trade that I make.

The first time I ever used it was a simple trade I placed on a boring ETF. It made a 308% return in eight days.

And that was just the beginning.

Over the next three months, I invited nearly a dozen beta testers to strap in and bear witness to its power.

In those three months, we saw gains of:

And many more … all in three months.

Since then, the profits have continued to come in.

148% in three days … 158% in five days … 109% in one day … and even 269% in five days.

John B. writes:

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!! 300% in 3 days.

– John B.

Robert K. emailed saying:

“I just started using your strategy, and I’m 3-for-3 on my trades with gains between 50–200% [each in seven days or less].”

– Robert K.

And one retired couple, Liz and Roy H., are big fans:

I made $4k on a $7k investment in just over 24 hours. Wow!”

– Liz and Roy H.

After a decade of trading, I feel like I’ve finally hit the jackpot here.

Never before have I been able to make profits this big … and this consistently.

I’m now ready to take this to the next step … and share it with you.

There’s no time to waste.

Because I’m finding new trades with my Fast Lane Code every week…

And starting today, you’ll be able to reap the benefits.

First, I should mention this kind of stuff isn’t new to me...

My job is to help people like you get the most out of the stock market.

And make no mistake … my strategies make money.

One … that I’ve run for nearly a decade … has won on 93% of its trades.

Another beat the S&P 500 almost four times over during a four-year period.

But I’ve just been warming up.

Now, thanks to my Fast Lane Code, I can make better gains in just one week, than the average investor makes in an entire year.

And I have the numbers to prove it.

I back tested it across the last 10 years of stock market data, that’s over 16,000 market hours’ worth of information.

While the Dow grew 156%...

My Fast Lane Code showed a return of 492%.

Every $100,000 invested would have turned into $592,000.

And this was without boosting the returns with options, margin or leverage of any kind. I’m just talking simple trades here.

So I knew I had only begun to unearth the true depths of its power.

At its most basic level, this code would have helped you make three times better profits than virtually every single investor over the last 10 years.

We would have never had a losing year to speak of. The code would have kept our money in the fast lane every year.

But I knew we could do even better.

That’s why I quickly applied the Fast Lane Code to the market in real time…

And the results blew away my wildest expectations.

Over the next three months, I began racking up the fastest gains I’d ever seen.


The typical financial planner will NEVER make you gains like this.

Because the sad truth is that 90% of them can’t even beat the market…

And the fact that these guys will charge up to 2% a year is practically criminal.

Unfortunately, most Americans don’t know there’s a better way.

They think they have no choice but to stay stuck in the traffic jam while some quote-unquote “professional” mismanages their nest egg.

But you’ve probably figured out that approach gets you nowhere — fast.

That’s why I set out to find a better way…

An approach that would help me find the fastest stocks in the market on any given week.

And I’m happy to say that after a year of testing and fine-tuning, I can finally do it.

The Fast Lane Code is helping me up my trading game like never before.

It’s the key that unlocks the hidden power of the most powerful investment software on earth.

And it works a lot like a radar … detecting speeds in the stock market once they reach a certain velocity.


Bloomberg and Reuters first introduced this technology to their clients nearly a decade ago.

Business Insider calls it one of the main reasons why “Wall Streeters can’t live without their Bloomberg terminals.”

And my colleague Mike Carr, a 30-year trading veteran, calls it: “perhaps the best tool for uncovering the hidden cycles in the stock market.”

Unfortunately, getting access to it through a Bloomberg terminal can set you back as much as $25,000 per year.

I know … because I pay out of pocket for it.

This is why its power has only been felt among a small community of elite investors.

But now, I’m leveling the playing field.

I’ve spent the last several months sharing my insights on this Profit Radar for free.

For example, I recently used it to call a short-term bottom in tech stocks … just as they were rounding the corner.

I said…

“My Profit Radar is showing me tech stocks are about to rip higher. The gains over the next eight weeks could be simply phenomenal.”

Over the next three months, the Nasdaq 100 shot up almost 15%!

This is just one small example of how I’ve been using this Profit Radar to show people how to maximize their gains.

But I’m prepared to go a step further.

Because I have found the key that unlocks this technology’s true potential…

And it all comes down to this Fast Lane Code.

It turns this software from a cross-rotational sector analysis tool…

Into the most powerful trading algorithm on earth.

With it, I can see which parts of the market are set to break out…

And which are set to stay stuck in traffic.

From there…

I can narrow it down to the single best stocks in the market.

It’s like having instant access to the stock market’s express lane.

With it in hand, I know the best place to put my money every single week.

But creating this wasn’t easy.

I spent most of the last year researching every advantage … every technical nuance … and every anomaly in the market to find the right series of letters and numbers that work best.

Now, I’ve finally cracked it.

This one line of code tells me everything I need to begin amassing gains that are 50 times better than normal.

It’s the culmination of everything I’ve learned from the last decade of my investing career.

My degrees in finance and economics…

And my trading skills that, over the course of a decade, bought me a beautiful house on the South Florida coast and sent my kids to one of the best schools in the country.

Today, I’m going to reveal exactly how it works for the very first time.

With it, you’ll see how it’s possible to begin racking up gains of…


Gains that this code has helped me unearth just in the last year.

This is why I’m so excited to share my Fast Lane Code with you.

In just a minute, I’m going to show you how I’m able to use this Code to spot stocks just as they’re entering the fast lane…

But first, let me introduce myself.

I’m Chad Shoop.

You won’t see my name on CNBC or read about me in The Wall Street Journal.

I’ve never been on national television, and honestly, I don’t care to be.

I’m not interested in being a celebrity trader or a talking head.

I only care about one thing…

And that’s beating the market week after week, year after year...

And helping people like you do the same.

Chances are, I’m a lot like you.

I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth … and I wasn’t groomed for finance at an Ivy League school, either…

Everything I have, I earned on my own.

I come from a modest, working-class family out of a small town in North Carolina.

I was 1 of 5 kids growing up. And with 5 kids, my parents needed all the help they could get.

That’s why, as soon as I was old enough, I started working in restaurants to help us make ends meet. And I never missed a shift — not once.

But eventually, that all changed.

Because after meeting my wife…

And having our first kid…

I finally woke up.

I realized I wanted more for myself.

$10 an hour and 80-hour work weeks just wasn’t going to cut it anymore…

So, I did what I had to do.

I started over.

I went back to school, determined to learn everything I could about wealth and how to get it.

I didn’t waste any time…

Within 4 years, I finished with two degrees in finance and economics … and quickly landed a job as a junior analyst at an independent research firm here in South Florida.

Starting out, I worked behind the scenes, picking trades for our experts so THEY could recommend them to our readers.

Pretty soon, my CEO saw what I was capable of…

So he decided to cut out the middleman and put me in charge of my own trade shop.

At first, I started small…

So I took what I’d learned and developed a conservative approach to the stock market … one that allows you to draw instant income from large, blue chip stocks in less than a minute.

This approach is less risky than regular investing and wins on about 93% of its trades.

People love it.

AJ was happy to collect an “overnight 25% return” with this method.

Steve H. says he pocketed $448 on his first trade on a $4,500 investment — a nearly 10% gain instantly!

And Bob L. says he made $28k on a $150,000 account, an 18% return in about eight months, adding “it’s a great way to make income, and much less risky than other trades.”

Once I saw these results, I decided to turn up the heat.

So I created a second strategy that was more aggressive.

Essentially, I found a way to target stocks that can rise for weeks at a time after a key event.

Again, this approach was a little more speculative in nature … and yet in a four-year period, we generated gains that were nearly FOUR times better than the S&P 500 in some of its best years on record.

We really went for it … and came out the gate swinging with gains like 55% on Cisco in three weeks. Another 92% gain on Qualcomm in two months. We had a 127% gain on Facebook in just four weeks and we profited 288% on Caterpillar in three months.

There were plenty more.

It was so good, it took me years to realize I was leaving money on the table.

After all…

I had readers like Ron H. writing in saying:

“In the 4th quarter of 2017, I was one of the fortunate few to go on the magic carpet ride with Caterpillar, and I realized a 300% gain right up to the end of the year. It turned $7,000 into $28,000!!

– Ron H.

John G, who says:

“I am ecstatic to report a 149% gain today — especially given the fact that it only took five weeks! Keep up the good work.”

– John G.

And Thomas P.:

“I purchased your recommendation in Apple for $10,002. A month later, I closed them for $47,555. How about them Apples!”

– Thomas P.

Readers were thrilled to see gains like this in just 30 to 60 days. And I was too.

But I’m about to step on the gas once more.

I’m kicking it into high gear … because now, I’ve found a way to do even better.

With this Fast Lane Code … I know exactly which sector of the market is entering the fast lane at any moment.

From there … I can narrow it down even further to find the best stock to buy each week…

And I can do it — every single week!

Once I was certain I had it right, I put it to the test in my very own brokerage account.

Before I shared it with anyone else, I wanted to put my own money at stake.

So, on February 3, 2021 I turned on my computer … activated the program … and placed the first ever Fast Lane trade on IWM.

This is the ticker for the Russell 2000 … the small-cap index made up of the market’s tiniest stocks.

The index had just fallen 4.5% in a week.

It looked ugly. But days later, prices snapped back.

By this point, most traders would have thought the opportunity was gone.

But my Fast Lane Code told me something different.

It said now was the time to BUY.

So I went ahead and jumped in.

And sure enough…

Over the next week, the index soared by another 6% … achieving an all-time high.

But because my Fast Lane Code was already telling me to expect a big move, I bought an option on IWM that allowed me to double down.

The result?

I made 50 times better gains … cashing out with a 308% profit.

I just put $335 into the trade … but that tiny investment scored me over a $1,000 profit.

If I’d invested 10 times more … it would have turned into more than $10,000 … in just 8 days!

That’s remodel-your-kitchen, pay-off-your-car kind of money … from a single trade. And it only took one week.

It was awesome.

But I knew more gains were in store.

On March 5 … my Fast Lane Code told me to expect a big move in DIA, the Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF.

Now bear in mind…

Markets had gone up in a straight line for months but appeared to be stalling out.

The more speculative parts of the market were reeling.

The media was reporting blood in the streets…

And many feared the party was over.

But guess what?

I didn’t care.

Because my code told me that the Dow was entering the Fast Lane.

If I’d listened to the mainstream media and stayed away, I would have missed out.

Instead, I followed the code.

I got in March 5…

Four days later, the Code said the Dow was moving out of the Fast Lane.

Anyone could have doubled their money on this trade with a gain of 111% or better.

Because these trades are SO fast … I was personally able to make a 178% profit!

Now some of our gains are a little more modest.

That same day, the code told me that while the Dow was exiting the Fast Lane … the S&P 500 was entering it.

So I placed a trade on SPY, the ETF that tracks that index.

Nine days later, I recommended getting out with a 37% gain, when the Code signaled it was time to exit.

At one point, it was up even more! Here’s a message I got from my colleague Chris who was beta testing this strategy with me:

“This thing rose so fast I didn’t wait to sell! Bought for $5.21 and sold for $9.75 … that’s $454 in profit, an 87% gain in one week exactly.”


He nearly doubled his money … in just one week!

I knew that these kinds of gains were possible…

I just had no idea how frequently they would come.

Because my code delivered another monster 180% gain 2 weeks later.

This time, it was in QQQ … the technology ETF that tracks the Nasdaq.

Once again, my Fast Lane Code was foreshadowing brand-new highs in a major index … and with it in hand, we knew EXACTLY where to go to capture the biggest gains!

My internal beta testers and I were blown away.

One of them couldn’t believe it…

“Chad, I went a little more out of the money on this one. I got jumpy and sold too early with a 125% gain in a week. Had I held five more days like you said, I would’ve made two times more. Unreal!”


I couldn’t blame him for getting jumpy.

After all, this was the third BIG winner in 4 weeks.

Between social media meme stocks, inflation fears and uncertainty about Covid restrictions, the market had a rocky start to the year.

But thanks to my Fast Lane Code, my beta testers and I knew exactly which segments of the market were set to rebound…

And which were set to stay stuck in traffic … every single week!

But we didn’t stop there.

You see, once I figured out that the code could help us determine which part of the market was entering the Fast Lane each week, I went a step further.

I already had a way to find the Fast Lane…

Next, I wanted to find the fastest car.

I knew this wouldn’t be easy.

Again … when you include all the pink sheets, over-the-counter and penny stocks … there are close to 25,000 stocks in the whole market.

But each stock is part of a larger whole.

Most of them fall into 1 of these 5 major indexes I was trading.


Any stock that’s worth trading can be found in 1 of these 5 indexes.

Think of them as the five lanes on the stock market’s highway.

Most investors buy and hold an index over the course of many years … and settle for whatever returns the market gives them.

What I learned is that each week, one of them is moving faster than the other.

You’ve seen this before.

Tech stocks were the first to come back after the COVID-19 meltdown.

The world went almost entirely digital, practically overnight … so technology was more critical than ever.

But markets soon figured out this new digital economy required new and BETTER technology…

The kind that smaller, more innovative companies tend to excel at the best.

This led the way to small-cap stocks inside the Russell 2000 to break out and achieve monstrous new highs.

Eventually, these speculative stocks became overheated. Then … it was actually the Dow that pulled ahead.

We know all this in hindsight.

But with my Fast Lane Code, we can see these moves coming before they happen.

Again, just trading these tickers alone brought in some phenomenal gains — like 308% in eight days, 180% in two weeks and 111% in four days.

After all — billions of dollars change hands within them each day.

For folks like you and me, there’s a nearly infinite sum of money available.

But what I found … is that the Fast Lane Code can actually help me go a step further.

It can not only help me identify which index or “lane” is going to be the fastest mover that week…

It can help me identify which stock inside the index is leading the charge.

In short, it tells me the best stock to own that week.

As mentioned, this Fast Lane Code helped me unlock the true power of the market’s best trading software

I call it a “Profit Radar” because it is constantly scanning the market for the best opportunities.


In the upper half, we have stocks that are bullish.

At the bottom, stocks that are bearish.

This is all relative to the rest of the market … right there in the center.

So, a stock that’s in the upper half is moving ahead of the market.

In the lower half, stocks are falling behind it.

This helps me know, each day and each week, which parts of the market are set to accelerate … and which are set to lag.

This makes it an indispensable tool.

Look, no investing system is perfect.

But it is the closest thing to having a crystal ball in the stock market.

I start very general … and look at how the five major indexes are performing relative to the rest of the market from week to week.

Let’s take a look at my IWM trade…

Again, I noticed the Russell 2000 was moving into the Fast Lane … this bullish section here on my radar.

I bought when it became clear small caps were leading the market … and sold before they fell out.

The result was a 308% gain in eight days.

The same thing happened with the Dow. It crossed into bullish territory so fast … we sold before it even had a chance to dip. This time, I made 111% in four days.

A few weeks later, it was QQQ’s turn. We got in when this tech index started to turn up … I monitored the volatility through a brief dip … but within two weeks, we were able to sell for a 183% gain…

I could’ve stopped here.

I was making so much money trading these high-level indexes alone … I didn’t need to go any further.

But I’m a curious person by nature.

I wanted to see if we could do any better.

So I took the next step.

Now that I knew how to find the fastest lane, I wanted to find the fastest stock.

While there is no predicting the future exactly right each week, I knew we could get pretty darn close — and find one of the best stocks pulling ahead of the pack each week.

And fortunately, the Fast Lane Code had already given me everything I needed.

It’s so simple…

I start with the five indexes that I track.

Once I see one that is pulling ahead, I put it at the center.

Then, I look at every stock that’s inside it relative to the index as a whole.

This is how I can identify which stocks are pulling ahead … and which are falling behind.

It’s as simple as it sounds.

Doing this helped me find an opportunity in Delek U.S. Holdings on May 18.

My Fast Lane Code told me that Delek U.S. Holdings was set to move faster than any other stock in the Russell 2000.

We caught it just in time… A day later, we had an opportunity to sell for a 246% gain.

That’s two-and-a-half times more money and we made it overnight.

I was sold.

By this point, I had seen more than enough to begin sharing my recommendations with our VIP readers … those who have paid our company upwards of $25,000 to access everything my team and I publish.

And the list of big winners kept piling up…


This is why I say this “Profit Radar” is the most powerful investment program on earth.

Of course, finding the right stocks to trade is easier said than done.

Finding the right stock in the Dow is easy enough. There are just 30 stocks inside it.

On any given day, I can eyeball the fastest one pretty easily.

But as you can imagine, this gets a little tricky with the Nasdaq 100, which contains the 100 largest, most actively traded tech stocks…

The S&P 500, which has the market’s 500 biggest, baddest, most liquid companies…

And the Russell 2000 … well, you get the idea.

This is why the vast majority of the world’s professional investors don’t really use this Profit Radar to place any trades.

To them … it’s a 30,000 foot view … that might help make them 3 times as much money over the course of a decade.

But I knew there was something more to this…

I knew I could crack this code if I kept trying.

And I tried … everything.

I spent the better part of the last year trying hundreds … literally hundreds of combinations of obscure letters, numbers and symbols to find the Fast Lane Code.

I couldn’t begin to tell you how many hours I spent … but I was not going to stop trying until I cracked this thing.

Friends … I did it.

This Fast Lane Code has changed everything.

With it, I can find gains that are bigger, faster and more life-changing than ever.

And I believe I can do it for you.

That’s why I want to send you a copy of my new research report with all the details.

It’s called Inside the Code: The Secret to Fast Lane Profits.

I’ll tell you how to get a copy in just a moment.

This special report tells you all about the Fast Lane Code…

Including how I use it to find the market’s expressway…

And how I’m able to go one step further … and find the No. 1 stock to own every week.

The results have been out of this world.

Once I unlocked the Fast Lane Code, I spent a total of six months beta testing it … first on the fastest lane … then on the fastest stock.

The average trade takes less than seven days.

And we’re averaging a double-digit gain per trade.

If that sounds incredible…

Even unbelievable…

Good. I want this to shock you.

The stock market typically only grows about 10% per year.

We’re doing 10% or more … per week.

I have never seen anything like this.

I wouldn’t have believed it was possible had it not happened to me personally.

In the first three months of beta testing I made a 727% return on my cost basis, 124 times better than the overall market the same period.

I invested $335 in my first trade and made 308%. After that, I was playing with house money!

I bought one contract per trade, and by the end I had made nearly $2,500 in profit.

So that $335 had grown into roughly $2,800!

Compare this to what the five major indexes did over this period:


That averages out to a 5.8% jump.

Based on the money I put at stake to test this strategy in real time, I saw a 124 times better return buying just one contract per trade.

And look … I want to be very clear.

Because I’m worried a lot of you are going to see this … race in … and spin out and crash right into the wall.

You don’t need to win on every trade.

If you’re the kind of investor that sees a position drop 10% … 20% … even 50% … and you’re ready to call it quits, this is not for you.

We will not make triple-digit gains on every trade.

We don’t need to.

All told, over six total months and two phases of beta testing, we averaged 26% per trade with 46 different trades. And the average trade took less than week.

I’m not cherry-picking the winners or only showing my best stuff. The average trade, including the ones that didn’t work out, did 26% in five days.

You don’t need to be a CPA or have a degree in finance to know that is INCREDIBLE.

But when you can score enough of the 100%, 200% and 300% gains I’ve been showing you, your average gain goes through the roof.

The trick is that you have to place every trade.

This is a numbers game. You’re not going to win on every trade.

So if a few losses are going to scare you off and make you forget everything I’ve just showed you, I can’t in good conscience recommend this.

But, if you’re tired of making subpar returns…

And understand you DON’T have to win on every trade…

Then I want to send you a copy of my new report, Inside the Code: The Secret to Fast Lane Profits.

And that’s not all.

To help you get the most out of this groundbreaking research…

I want to personally invite you to join me in my latest endeavor.

I’ve just launched a new research dedicated to showing you how to step into the market’s Fast Lane every week…

Not only that, I’m going to tell you exactly where the Fast Lane is in real time.

You don’t have to lift a finger. Each and every week, you’re going to know the absolute best place to put your money to work.

This revolutionary new research service is called Fast Lane Profits.

I’ve made it very simple for you.

I’m going to send you two trade recommendations each week.

One will be on the fastest lane.

One will be on the fastest car.

You’ll get both at once … once a week on average.

That means you can expect to receive 100 trade recommendations, directly from me, over the next year.

I don’t know anyone else who will make you a commitment like that.

But you won’t just hear from me once a week.

I’ll be in touch every single day.

Each day, Monday through Friday, I’m going to email you 30 minutes after the market opens with your action to take.

Most days, you won’t have to do anything.

But once a week, at 10 a.m. ET, I’m going to send you two trades with your fastest lane and your fastest car.

You’ll receive both at the same time.

And within seven days, I’ll tell you when to cash out.

Some trades will go a little longer.

Like the time we saw 183% on the Nasdaq index in 12 days.

Some will be much shorter.

Like the 246% gain on Delek that came overnight.

But let’s be clear…

This is not some set-it-and-forget-it … boring investment strategy to grow your money slow over time … that you check once every quarter … or once every year.

This is active trading … the kind that could make you more money in a year than you might otherwise make in 10.

If you’re the type of person who only likes to update their portfolio once per quarter … and are content making whatever the market throws at you, this isn’t for you.

That said, I’m going to carry most of the weight.

If you have 10 minutes a week to dedicate to this … that’s all you need.

2 minutes a day to check your email, at 10 a.m. ET…

And place your two trades, once a week.

It’s that simple.

I’m going to tell you exactly which trades to make, along with my analysis.

And I won’t leave you stranded. I’ll tell you exactly when to sell too.

Don’t want to check your email each morning?

That’s fine.

I want this to be as easy for you as possible.

That’s why I’m more than happy to send you a text notifying you every time there’s a trade in your inbox.

All you do is get the text, then check your inbox to see exactly which trades to place.

You can even sign up to receive push notifications through our state-of-the-art research app — without having to check your email or go online.

Either way, every weekday I’m going to reach out to you at 10 a.m. ET telling you exactly what to do.

If there’s a new trade that day, I’ll tell you what to buy.

If it’s time to sell, I’ll tell you that.

And if you don’t need to do anything at all … yup, I’ll tell you that, too.

Again, I make this as easy for you as possible…

I’m doing all the legwork.

All you have to do is follow along … place the trades … and decide how much to invest each week.

I recommend you try to invest the same amount in each trade every week. Don’t pick and choose your trades … trust that my Fast Lane Code is doing its job, and that I’m only sending you the best trades I see.

Now, it goes without saying that all investment carries risk and you should never invest more than you can afford to lose – in any strategy.

But if you follow my lead, and I’m confident you will make money.

Again … I haven’t released a bad strategy yet.

One of my strategies typically wins on 9 out of 10 trades.

Another is a little more speculative … and beat the market nearly four times over in four years.

But Fast Lane Profits is on another level.

David P. writes:

“Locked in 73.79% on SPY. Locked in 85.5% profit on IJH.”

— David P.

These would be great profits over two to three months … even two to three years.

But he opened AND closed both of these trades for a profit in a single week.

On two trades we opened and closed within 24 hours for gains of 85% and 109%, Richard A. wrote:

“Hi Chad, $795.25 gain on one. $837.02 on the other. Thanks!”

— Richard A.

Here’s one more. This one’s awesome.

“Since starting with Fast Lane Profits a little over a month ago with $81k in my investment account at Fidelity… As of today, 8/15/21, I now have $107k in that account.”

— Gordon S.

Can you believe that? He made $25,000 in a month!

I want the next email to come from you…

I think Fast Lane Profits is going to get you the best gains you’ve ever made.

But before you get started, there’s one final item we need to review.

You probably figured this out already … but there’s a specific type of trade we use to get the most out of Fast Lane Profits.

It’s a trade I’ve been using to show my readers how to beat the market for years.

I’ve used this trade hundreds, if not thousands of times to make up to 50 times better gains on any given trade.

And if you use them the right way … they can help you protect your gains anytime trades go against you.

I’m talking about…


Options are one of my favorite investments to trade, and for good reason.

They cost less money…

And they make you MUCH better gains.

You’ve probably seen the stories…

Like this one from MarketWatch:

Or this one from CNBC:

Or how about this one from Fortune:

Every single one of these traders used options to make these gains.

And they’re not alone.

Wall Street firms have been using options to boost their gains for decades.

Warren Buffett once used options to make $7.5 million in less than five minutes.

Legendary investor Edward Thorpe used options to generate 20% annual returns for 30 years straight.

Achieving a net worth of $800 million!

So it’s no wonder why some hedge funds choose to trade them exclusively.

One of them, Cornwall Capital, has used them to average 50% gains in each of the last 10 years … enough to turn every $100,000 into $6 million.

Heck, even some mutual funds use them.

But while Wall Street is cashing in…

The vast majority of individual investors are not.

I’m trying to change that.

Options essentially allow regular investors to trade like a hedge fund. It’s a massive benefit.

When you use them with a rules-based trading approach like ours, the profits can get pretty crazy.

But … most people don’t use them because they just don’t understand how they work.

Or, they’ve only been told about the risks — and not the mammoth-sized gains you can make when you trade them properly.

And it’s true — as with any kind of investing, if you don’t know what you’re doing, big losses can happen.

However, if you trade them the right way, and never put too much into any given trade, they can actually reduce your overall risk…

While increasing your potential gains exponentially.

Like the first ever Fast Lane trade I placed … where IWM moved 6% in eight days, but I made 308% instead.

Literally a 50 times better gain.

It’s like strapping a jetpack to your trades.

Take our March 5 trade for example…

My code alerted me that the Dow was entering the Fast Lane…

And within 4 days, it was up just over 1%.

Which is a huge move for the index.

Still, you would’ve had to invest nearly $10,000 to make a hundred bucks from this trade.

But if you bought the call option I recommended…

You would have made up to 111%!

Not 1% — 111%!

That’s a more than 100X better return.

Every hundred dollars would’ve returned a hundred dollars — or more!

Without options, you would’ve had to invest 100 times more money.

Why bother?

You can bet just a tiny bit of your trading account … then sit back and watch the returns pile up in 7 days or less!

The same thing happened again with our trade on March 25.

My code indicated that the Nasdaq was really speeding up…

And I notified my beta testers to jump in.

Sure enough, the tech sector shot up more than 6% over the next two weeks.

That’s pretty great. And this was one of the rare occasions where we stayed in longer than a week because the Code was giving us the all-clear!

And while 6% is a perfectly respectable return for two weeks…

We doubled down with our call options, which turned that 6% move into a staggering 183%!

That’s 26 times more profit.


We find stocks moving into position with our Fast Lane Code…

Then we give our trades a turbo boost by trading options.

But that’s not the only benefit you get trading options.

You see, when you buy stocks, you’re pretty much limited to making money in one direction … up.

With options … you can ALSO make money when stocks go down.

And this can be way more satisfying. When you make money when the rest of the world is freaking out over nothing? It’s great.

Take the Russell 2000 and Delek U.S. Holdings trades I showed you a few minutes ago.

On May 18, my Fast Lane Code told me the Russell small-cap index was shifting momentum.

In one straight shot, it went from lagging the market … to leading it.

At this point, a reversal was practically guaranteed.

So we bet against it. We timed this one perfectly. 24 hours later, it dropped nearly 1%.

You can see it right here … a day later, the Russell turned south.


Thanks to the put option I recommended, we were able to turn that small, not even a 1% drop into a 137% gain!

The best part is, it’s the same Profit Radar. The same Radar that tells us which parts of the market are entering the Fast Lane … is the same Radar that can tell us which ones are stepping out.

And of course … we used this very same Radar to drill down and find the stock most likely to drop the hardest as money fell out of the index.

The stock that came up was Delek U.S. Holdings, a Tennessee-based energy company.

The stock had dropped more than 10% before we got a signal to expect even more weakness.

And we got it.

In those 24 hours, Delek U.S. Holdings dropped by almost 6%.

Nothing crazy…

But options helped us turn this small move into a 246% gain.

A 41 times better profit.

That was two triple-digit gains in 24 hours.

This is the true power of options.

We can turn small, weekly moves in the market into 20, 50 and sometimes even 100 times better profits.

And we can make money when stocks go up … or down.

It doesn’t matter if we’re in a bull market, a bear market, or anywhere in between.

Our beta test is the perfect example.

The Fast Lane Code was able to guide us through a rangebound market that lacked any clear direction.

Meanwhile, I put a measly $335 at stake and scored a 727% total gain across just 20 rapid-fire trades in a mere three months.

Again, this was 124 times better than the market’s average over the same period.

That’s because, thanks to my Fast Lane Code:


Look … I’ve been showing my readers how to make money in options for years.

Including several who have never traded options before in their life!

If you never have, don’t worry…

I’m going to send you a copy of my Options 101 Guide. This special report contains everything you need to know to get you up to speed trading options.

You can fly through it in 15 minutes or less.

Then be fully prepared to get the absolute most out of our trades.

I think Fast Lane Profits is going to be the best trading strategy you ever use.

Each week, I’ll recommend two trades to you…

An index trade … and a stock trade.

I’ll tell you exactly when to buy … and when to sell.

I’ll be by your side the whole time.

Your trade alerts will arrive at 10 a.m. ET … exactly 30 minutes after the market opens.

And remember, when we’re trading options, the upside on any individual trade is technically unlimited.

It is possible (though not guaranteed) that we’ll see one of these trades pop 500% … even 1,000% or more … in less than a week!

However, trades like this are few and far between.

More often than not, our winners will be more like these:


But some will be this high:


And yes, some may go even higher.

All told, we only need to win on about half of our trades.

After all…

During our beta test, we won on a little more than half our trades…

And we got enough of these outsized triple-digit winners that the average trade brought in 26%…

And took less than seven days!

I hope you hear that and smile.

The Fast Lane has helped me crack the code to the stock market like never before.

But you have to commit.

This is not something you want to get into if a few losses are going to scare you out.

You have to be diligent … and buy into every trade, with roughly the same amount each time.

If you can do that, I’m confident you can make money … and lots of it.

This is the most powerful trading strategy I’ve ever created.

So far this year, our average trade has been closed for a double-digit gain.

And I don’t mean just crossing the 10% threshold.

In six total months of beta testing, our average trade has done 26% in less than a week.


The average investor makes 3.69% A YEAR.

We’re doing 26% in A WEEK.

And we have two new Fast Lane trades … every week.

In fact, I’m willing to guarantee it.

There are 52 weeks a year.

Each trade alert will include two recommendations — one on the fastest lane, and one on the fastest car.

An index trade and a stock trade.

That’s one trade alert per week … with two recommendations per trade … for 100 trades this next year.

If you haven’t gotten 100 trades by this time next year, call or email us and we’ll give you a second year of Fast Lane Profits for free.

That’s my guarantee.


You must get your money’s worth.

And that’s not all.

I’m adding a second guarantee.


Over the next year, your average trade must deliver a double-digit gain or better. That’s a 10% average, at minimum, across every trade we make over the next year.

Again, over the last six months, we’ve been averaging 26%...

I’m GUARANTEEING a minimum of 10% per trade on average, or again, you get a second year for free.

Here’s the thing guys…

If you put 10% of your money into every trade, and each trade does 10% on average, you will double your trading account by this time next year.

That’s absolutely unheard of — but that’s the potential of Fast Lane Profits because this system is so efficient.

If we were to keep our current pace, averaging 26% on two trades every single week, you could easily triple or quadruple your entire trading account in a single year.

Yes, I’m talking about taking every $10,000 you put into this, and turning it into $30,000 or $40,000 by this time next year.

And it is possible…

Again, I made a 727% return in three months doing this … simply by rolling my money into the Fast Lane every week.

But I want to make you a third guarantee.


Fast Lane Profits must help you double your trading account over the next year.

You get 100 trades … and the average trade must deliver a 10% gain in a week or less.

If not, again, your second year is on me.

No financial advisor would ever make you a guarantee like this … but I will.

Put it like this…

If you start with $10,000…

Put $1,000 into each recommendation…

At 10%, you’d make $100 per trade…

Multiply that by 100 trades … that’s $10,000 in profit.

And your $10,000 grows to $20,000 in a year.

Do this and you could literally double your trading account.

And that’s just what I’m betting a second year on…

If we continue to average 26% per trade, your $10,000 could grow to $36,000.

That’s more than triple!

So I have no doubt in my mind, each and every person who subscribes to Fast Lane Profits will have a chance to double their money by the time their subscription ends.

If the results in our model portfolio prove otherwise, I’ll be happy to give you a second year for free.

But I need to be clear on something.

I want to keep this a small, tight-knit community of people looking to get ahead in their trading.

I have no intention of letting the whole world in on this. And I only want the most enthusiastic people to participate.

That’s why I’m only taking on 500 charter members to start … less than 0.1% of Banyan Hill’s half a million subscribers.


If I were to take on just 1% of Banyan’s readership trading the same amount…

Suddenly, there could be over 5,000 people trading this strategy, potentially investing millions each week.

Other big money traders would soon take notice and try to get a piece of our profits.

I don’t want that to happen.

Which is why I am limiting membership to just 500 people for now.

Of course, I can’t do this for free.

And I’ll be honest with you … Fast Lane Profits is not cheap.

I could probably justify charging $25,000 a year for you to access it.

After all, that’s what some of our readers have already paid … and I think Fast Lane Profits will prove to be our best research yet.

Each and every week, we’ll know the best opportunities to target for the fastest possible gains.

But I’m not going to charge $25,000 … or anywhere close to it!

I know it sounds a bit hokey … but I’m doing this to help people.

I often hear from subscribers that are over the moon because they turned a few hundred dollars into a few thousand.

Subscribers like Louis Adams, who turned $2,400 into $3,600 in about 3 months.

He started out by simply placing $400 in each trade and in no time at all grew his account by 50%!

It’s not a life-changing amount of money, but it’s a monster gain that absolutely crushes the market.

Then there’s Jim Cook, who put the minimum investment into a trade I recommended and turned it into the maximum gain:

“I am writing in to let you know about my success with the Tesla option. I was able to get in at $50.50. I bought one contract. I didn’t sell my option at a 50% gain. I held on and sold out at $308.00. I ended up with a 500% gain! That’s over $25,000. Thank you for this recommendation Chad!”

— Jim C.

These are the kinds of people I created Fast Lane Profits for.

The goal of Fast Lane Profits is to take a piece of your portfolio and multiply it over and over with weekly options trades.

That way, you don’t have to buy and hold for years at a time, all the while nervously policing the markets.

Instead, you can use my Fast Lane strategy to accelerate your profits dramatically.

So, to be clear…

I’m not going to charge $25,000.

$10,000 would be fair … but I won’t charge that either.

My publisher and I decided to set the retail price for Fast Lane Profits at just $3,995.

Play your cards right, and you could make that back in a single trade…

However, to celebrate our official launch, I’m going to make you a deal.

When you sign up today and become a charter member of Fast Lane Profits, I’m going to shave $1,500 off the price.

Instead of $3,995, you pay just $2,495.

That’s 38% off the normal price!

But that’s not all you’ll get…

See, when you accept my offer today…

I’m going to give you access to another premium service of the same value, absolutely FREE!

It’s called…

Pure Income.


This is easily my most tried-and-true options strategy of the decade.

The idea behind this strategy is to make trades that virtually can’t lose.

Best case, you get regular profits deposited directly into your bank account the moment you place the trade…

The worst-case scenario? You get paid to buy great stocks at a discount ... then potentially sell them later for another profit.

Can these stocks go down after you buy them? Sure…

There’s no way to completely eliminate your risk when it comes to investing.

But Pure Income gets pretty darn close.

Since 2013, I’ve recommended 269 trades with this strategy…

Only 19 of them didn’t work out.

The other 250 were all winners.

That means for the last 8 years, my Pure Income strategy has delivered a 93% win rate!

I don't know of a single more consistent trading strategy.

Of course, there is a trade-off…

These trades are incredibly safe, but that means they aren’t as explosive as Fast Lane trades.

In it, you can expect gains like:


My readers love it.

Hazel M., an 87-year-old retiree, sent me a thoughtful email sharing her story:

“Chad, you are my hero. In the last 30 days I have earned $5,226.53. You’re helping me pay bills and contribute to my church and missionary projects. I would recommend you to anyone.”

— Hazel M.

Here’s another from Bob D.:

In eight months, I have closed $28,000 on a $150,000 account without using any margin. Thank you so much. This is a great way to make income.”

— Bob D.

Cindy B. is using this strategy to collect $10,000 … per MONTH:

“I am happy to say that I have done VERY well with your Pure Income strategy. I took it slow at first but have gained confidence as each position has netted me a sizable gain. I started by targeting $5,000 a month and have since moved to $10,000 a month. It's a solid, low-risk strategy and I am thrilled with the results!!”

— Cindy B.

And David L. says he expects to collect six figures:

“In 2019 I pocketed over $51K in income using your Pure Income strategy. I have already pocketed over $8K in 2020 and I have another $47K in the pipeline! If things continue at this pace, I expect to pocket $100K to $150K in gains in 2020 using this strategy alone.”

— David L.

Again, you get a full year of Pure Income for FREE when you join Fast Lane Profits today — along with everything you need to get started, including our portfolio guide, the trading manual, and my 5-part video training series for trading options like a pro!

Your subscription is PACKED with unique benefits.

So let’s quickly review everything you get when you sign up today.

Everything You’ll Get When You Sign Up Today

1 Year of Fast Lane Profits

Even at this low price, your subscription is good for one whole year. You can expect a new trade alert each week on average, telling you the fastest lane each week and which stock you should bet on. That’s two trades per week, or 100 trades in total!


Weekly Updates

Fast Lane Profits isn’t just about the weekly trades. Each week, I’ll also include a brief market update so you can always stay ahead of the curve. I don’t want you to ever be left in the dark about what’s going on in the investing world, so you can make the best decisions for your portfolio.


Daily Trade Guidance

Weekly trading is fast-paced. If you aren’t paying attention, you might miss out on big profits.

That’s why every day, 30 minutes after the market opens, you’ll hear from me, regardless of if we have a new trade or not. I’ll touch base daily so you’ll never have to worry if you missed a buy or sell alert.

You won’t have to search for anything or ask anyone if you missed a trade.

The daily update will be right there in your inbox, every weekday morning at 10 a.m. ET, so you know you always have the latest intel.


Instant Text Alerts

If you don’t want to check your email every morning … totally fine.

You can also sign up to get a text sent straight to your phone anytime a new trade is available.


Options 101 Guide

This 10-page guide tells you how to maximize your profits with options!

If you’ve never traded options before, this report will get you up to speed in no time.


Inside the Code: The Secret to Fast Lane Profits

This premium research report contains everything you need to know about our Profit Radar and the Fast Lane Code that drives it. This is the best research I’ve ever compiled, and frankly, getting access to this would be worth the cost of subscription alone. The secrets inside are truly powerful, and the moment you subscribe, you’ll be one of the few in the know.


The Fast Lane Profits Trading Guide

This contains everything you need to know to put Fast Lane Profits into action.

It’ll walk you through our trading approach, from start to finish, so you know exactly what to do anytime there’s an action to take.

It’s yours to refer back to whenever you need.


My Triple-Stacked Guarantee

I guarantee Fast Lane Profits will give you the chance to double your trading account within a year. This assumes you invest approximately one-tenth of your money in each trade, average 10% per trade, and invest in all 100 trades. Follow these rules, and I guarantee Fast Lane Profits will double your money at minimum. If the results in our model portfolio don’t reach this guarantee, let us know and we’ll extend your subscription by an additional 12 months, free of charge.


1 Year of Pure Income

When you subscribe to Fast Lane Profits through this offer, I’ll include a full year of Pure Income for free. This doubles the amount of research you get. Since 2013, Pure Income has delivered on 93% of its trades. These trades give you the chance to collect instant cash on your trades, and even buy great stocks at a discount. It’s a win-win, and I think you’ll love it.


Exclusive Access to Our Website and Research App

Every single trade I recommend will be archived in our private, members-only website.

Here you’ll be able to find my model portfolio, all of my instructional materials for learning options, every market update and every new piece of content I publish.

If you don’t care to fish through your email looking for the latest update, you can refer to our website at any time.

You can also find all of this on Banyan Hill’s new research app… This way, you can use your entire Fast Lane Profits subscription from the palm of your hand.


VIP Customer Care

When you sign up for my premium service, you get premium customer care.

That’s why our VIP services team will be there to answer any questions you have Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

You’ll always be able to get connected quickly and talk to a real person.

As one final bonus, I want to make you one final guarantee…


Lifetime Price Guarantee

When you sign up today, you’ll be able to lock in your Charter Membership deal permanently.

This way, your discount for Fast Lane Profits is good for life — you’ll never have to pay the full price for every year you wish to subscribe.

This way, your status as a charter member to Fast Lane Profits is always rewarded.

Just remember, this opportunity is limited to just 500 people.

Now that I’ve done everything I can to ensure that you get the absolute best and most profitable experience with Fast Lane Profits

All that’s left for you to do is to sign up today and start living life in the Fast Lane.

I Want To See The Details

See you soon,


Chad Shoop
Investment Director, Fast Lane Profits

September 2021