Former World Bank Economist Reveals Biggest Stock Market Opportunity of 2022:

Why America’s Most Secretive Billionaire Is Investing Millions in This Tiny Stock

A rare opportunity to invest alongside the genius behind “the most mysterious force on Wall Street” … for less than $50.

[Official Transcript]

One of America’s most reclusive billionaires could hold the key to a $30 trillion stock market windfall…

And if you can spare just $50, you can join forces with him today.

You’ve probably never heard of him.

But in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street, he’s an absolute legend.

His fund was once called:

“The most mysterious force on
Wall Street.”
— Fortune

Fortune Magazine said his fund:

“Specialized in trading systems that '...are so secret, even limited partners aren’t entirely sure what’s going on behind the curtain'”
— Fortune

He once told the press:

“We follow the same principles as the CIA or NSA.”
— Wired

As New York Magazine reported, his fund:

“Has always operated in stealth mode, keen to protect its secret formulas.”
— New York Magazine

Whatever his secret is … it works.

This is the fourth highest grossing hedge fund in financial history. It’s generated more than $29 billion in profits for investors since the 1990s.

And it’s turned four separate people into billionaires.

Yet still, I’d bet 99% of investors haven’t heard of him.

But for the last 12 months, I’ve been tracking a strange story involving this billionaire … one that I think could handsomely reward some well-positioned investors.

See, though he’s famed for his secrecy…

I’ve discovered this mysterious billionaire has been doing something unusual with his money.

He’s amassed a multimillion-dollar stake in a tiny company that very few regular investors know about … that could soon disrupt industries worth trillions of dollars.

My name is Ted Bauman, by the way.

I’m a trader, investor and former economist at the World Bank.

As we speak, nearly 1.6 million people around the world follow my work.

I’ve been using my contacts and research network to dig into this situation for the last year.

And in the next few minutes, I’ll show you what I’ve found … including a way you can invest alongside this billionaire for just $50.

As you’ll see, what this company is doing is unlike anything else you’ve seen before.

It’s at the heart of a trend that’s worth 15 times more than blockchain technology…

Experts predict it’ll dwarf 5G over time…

And it could transform your life far more profoundly than electric cars … driverless taxis … or virtual reality.

The Times of London reports that it’s been called:

“A once-in-a-generation advance.”
— The Times of London

And it’s set to disrupt almost every industry you care to name:

What exactly is this company doing?

Well, it’s the latest in a series of radical tech breakthroughs the secretive billionaire I just told you about — David E. Shaw — has helped bring about.

He’s quietly been one step ahead of pretty much every major tech advance of the last three decades.

Shaw was building supercomputers in Silicon Valley long before Microsoft even went public.

He used those supercomputers to build a billion-dollar hedge fund, using algorithms that Wired magazine said were:

“More closely guarded than the recipe for Coca-Cola.”
— Wired

In the process, he almost singlehandedly began the quant trading revolution. Fortune magazine called him:

“King Quant.”
— Fortune

He helped launch an early email system in 1997 … which went on to have millions of users all over America.

He started an early online banking company in the late 1990s … a decade before mainstream banks offered the same services.

He even tasked a junior employee with exploring online shopping in the early days of the internet…

That young executive’s name?

Jeff Bezos.

He took the idea … ran with it … and founded Amazon as a result.

You heard that right: Amazon started as one of David E. Shaw’s side projects.

Put simply, he’s been one step ahead of every major technology disruption you can name.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt — who owns a 20% stake in Shaw’s hedge fund — called his operation:

“Like Silicon Valley in Manhattan.”
— Former Google CEO
Eric Schmidt

And now…

A quarter of a century after Fortune reported that:

“His "secret formulas
pile up money"”
— Fortune

I believe I’ve found the NEXT — and biggest — tech disruption Shaw has been involved in. It’s at the heart of a revolution that could be worth $30 trillion over the next two decades. That’s about how much the U.S. stock market is worth right now.

And he’s zeroed in on a tiny American company set to lead this disruption … located near his HQ in Manhattan.

See, in the early 2000s — having become a Wall Street legend and presidential advisor — Shaw walked away from Wall Street…

And started trying to find a way to use the same kind of algorithms that had turned Wall Street on its head to disrupt something new. And that’s where the company I want to tell you about today comes in.

Instead of analyzing prices across thousands of different financial markets, as Shaw’s hedge fund does…

This company does something far more radical.

Something that’s been called:

“The most important technology of the
next decade.”
— Inc. Magazine

Put simply, instead of finding profitable trades … this company uses technology to find new medicines and supermaterials.

With help from Silicon Valley giants like Nvidia, Amazon and Google, it uses some of the most advanced supercomputers in the world…

…to crunch vast amounts of data on the natural world.

And finds things that even our best scientists may never have discovered.

I’m talking about new life-saving medications to fight — or even cure — terrible diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s and heart disease.

Or new state-of-the-art computer chips that Silicon Valley giants will use in your next smartphone, laptop or TV.

Next-generation car batteries that’ll run for thousands of miles on a single charge … new solar panels so thin you could paint them on your window … super-strong jet engines lighter than a feather.

This little company could hold the key to it all…

…yet its stock trades for just $50.

But I doubt it’ll be this cheap for long.

In fact, I’ve discovered that thanks to just one contract with a pharmaceutical giant, this little company could soon see its revenues explode 4,800% in the coming years. And again, that’s just one deal. There are plenty others in place … and even more in the works.

This company is destined for greatness.

I believe it.

Billionaire David Shaw believes it.

And we’re not the only ones…

Many of America’s Rich and Powerful Have Staked Early Claims Too.

Billionaire Ron Baron invested $47 million in it.

If it’s anything like his early-stage stake in Tesla, he’ll walk away with $4 billion in a few years.

Billion-dollar fund manager Cathie Wood is another fan.

She’s no stranger to big stock market winners — her fund owns at least three stocks that had 1,000% runs in the last three years, including Tesla … Nvidia … and Square…

And Wood’s fund owns $200 million of this company.

Then you have Bill Gates…

At the end of 2020, when Gates sold more than 50% of his stakes in Google, Apple, Amazon, Uber and Berkshire Hathaway…

This was the ONLY company he bought into.

In fact, he snapped up 2 million shares in one buying spree.

It’s even won over infamously skeptical short sellers at one Wall Street hedge fund, who claimed this company is:

“Even more compelling than an early stage Tesla... which also happens to be backed by the world's most sophisticated investors.”
— Wall Street Hedge Fund

If this stock matches Tesla’s rise, it’d turn a $1,000 initial stake into $183,000 in just over a decade.

It’s fair to say, opportunities like this rarely come along. Very rarely.

It’s not often Main Street investors can join forces with America’s rich and powerful like this.

Generally speaking, billionaires like to invest in one of two ways.

1. Either they invest in private, pre-IPO deals that are off limits to ordinary folks.

Like Peter Thiel’s early stake in Facebook … which is rumored to have made him 200,000% seven years later when it went public.

Or Jeff Bezos’ 1998 investment in Google. One analyst estimated that — if he held on until today — he’d have turned his $250,000 into more than $8 billion.

But unless you have friends in high places, you’d never even have heard about those deals until all the money had been made.

2. The other way billionaires like to make big money is by investing hundreds of millions of dollars in huge publicly listed stocks — and making a fortune from relatively small moves.

For instance, in 2020 Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway made $40 billion on its Apple investment in just three months.

The problem is, he had to buy 245 MILLION Apple shares to do that.

If you have that kind of money to invest — congratulations.

But That Creates a Big Problem.

It means that more often than not … regular folks will miss out on the opportunities that billionaires can access.

For most of us … they’re just out of reach.

But in very rare circumstances, there IS a third way … when billionaire investors rush to back a small, publicly listed company that anyone can easily buy … but very few regular people know about.

Like when Goldman Sachs and venture capital fund Alex Brown snapped up 300,000 Microsoft shares the day it went public in 1986.

If you’d invested just $1,000 alongside them and sold that stake in mid-2021, today you’d have $5.3 million in the bank.

And that brings me to today … and the tiny company I want to tell you about.

If you’re quick, you can still get in alongside the billionaires like David Shaw and Bill Gates that are backing it.

It only recently went public. And right now, it’s 900 times smaller than Microsoft.

Yet it already has many of the world’s top companies lining up to work with it.

Amazon … Google … and Nvidia are all already partners.

So are pharma giants like Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer.

Add all that up and what do you get?

A rare shot to back a tiny company that could soon make stock market history … and change the world.

It works like this…

In school, we all learn about the Table of Elements — the 118 known elements. I’m sure you remember what that looks like…

Think of those elements like a list of ingredients.

Everything in the universe is made up of them.

It’s the way they’re combined that’s important.

Some combinations are simple. Combine two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen and boom, you get … water.

But when it comes to finding the next miracle drug to fight cancer or new high-tech material to go inside a computer chip … it’s a whole lot more complex.

So far, scientists have catalogued roughly a hundred million different combinations, or compounds.

You see, with 118 elements, the number POSSIBLE compounds is vast...

One estimate suggests there are 10 to the 180th degree compounds that could be created.

That’s 10, followed by 180 zeros.

It’s More Than Double The Number of
Atoms in the Universe.

Many of these yet-undiscovered compounds could hold the secret to solving some of humankind’s biggest problems.

As experts at the American Chemical Society put it:

“[It’s] where we’ll find the next treatment for cancer and the next light-absorbing substance for solar cells.”
— American Chemical Society

The problem is, there are so many possible combinations of elements out there that finding the truly valuable new compounds could take thousands of years.

Take graphene, for instance…

It is one of the thinnest yet strongest materials known to man. It conducts electricity … conducts heat better than all other known materials … it’s see-through, yet so dense not a single atom can pass through it.

It took us more than half a century to discover it.

As I said, the number of possible compounds like graphene is more than double the number of atoms in the universe. They almost certainly contain new materials and medicines that could change the world forever. But actually finding them is insanely slow. And that’s the problem.

Just consider this … traditional pharmaceutical companies synthesize roughly only 1,000 new compounds a year, searching for new breakthrough drugs.

And that’s where this company comes in…

It has found a way to use the same kind of supercomputers that David Shaw used to revolutionize the financial markets … to massively accelerate this process.

Its platform can evaluate BILLIONS of compounds every single week.

Remember: The traditional way involves synthesizing 1,000 per year.

That makes it thousands of times faster and cheaper to find new materials and medicines.

It has already helped Big Pharma companies find two FDA-approved breakthrough drugs.

And that’s likely just the start…

According to Securities and Exchange Commission filings, more than a thousand companies and labs around the world are already using its patented technology.

That includes the top 30 pharmaceutical companies in the world — including Johnson & Johnson … Novartis … Roche … Pfizer … AstraZeneca and Merck.

Every single one of them is using this tech to find the next breakthrough drug right now.

Then you have researchers at aviation giant Boeing … who’re using this technology to find new materials to build next-generation planes that are lighter and stronger than anything in the world today.

And there are more than 1,000 government and academic laboratories all over the world.

They’re all licensing this company’s technology as we speak.

Put simply, this tiny company could be crucial to perhaps the biggest breakthroughs of the next decade.

New miracle drugs … amazing new building materials … new nanotechnology … this little company could hold the key to finding it all.

Forget Overhyped Stuff Like Cryptocurrencies … Blockchain … Driverless Cars… Technology Like THIS Will Have a Much Bigger Real-World Impact on Your Life — and Make a Lot More Money For Investors.

I’ve dug through the company’s numbers with my team of researchers and analysts.

And all of that analysis points to one thing…

This company is set to hit a critical inflection point — a sudden surge in revenues.

Right now, it’s being paid millions of dollars from its partnerships with pharma companies.

Like one deal it inked in 2020 worth $55 million.

Read the small print on that contract and you see that thanks to a very clever royalty strategy this company uses … soon that figure could start increasing by almost 5,000%.

Another deal could see it grow its entire revenues by 300%.

You heard that right: A single royalty deal could see the entire company’s revenue TRIPLE.

That’s why I predict you could at least triple your investment on this stock, in the next two years.

And long term?

There’s near infinite potential.

And I’m not the only person to see it.

Some of the world’s top tech investors — many of whom own stakes in this very company — have long predicted that this kind of breakthrough could mint fortunes.

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban claimed:

“The combination of sophisticated algorithms and fields like pharmaceuticals will create:
the world’s first trillionaire.
— Mark Cuban

It seems billion-dollar fund manager Cathie Wood agrees, claiming that:

“This kind of breakthrough technology will one day be worth:
35 Amazons.
— Cathie Wood

Back in 2004, Bill Gates was asked if another company could ever be as successful as Microsoft.

His answer?

“If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, that is worth 10 Microsofts.”
— Bill Gates

That was nearly two decades ago.

And I’ve uncovered very compelling evidence that THIS specific company will emerge as the leader. And Gates’ own investment in the company backs me up.

Let’s imagine — just for a second — that I’m right.

Just how much would it have to grow to be worth “10 Microsofts”?

Well, Microsoft is worth more than $2 trillion…

And this little business is currently worth 0.1% of that…

Which Means to Fulfill Gates’ Prophecy, This Stock Would Have to Grow 936,384%.

A return like that would turn a $10,000 starting stake into $93 million.

Let’s be clear: Gains like that are unprecedented.

They involve risk — as all investments do. Nothing is certain. There’s always a chance of losing money.

And if a gain like that WERE to happen, it certainly wouldn’t be overnight.

In fact, if that kind of result were to come to pass, it would take years to unfold.

But with truly revolutionary new technology — like the one I’m talking about today — results like this ARE possible.

If anyone knows that, it’s Bill Gates.

His founding stake in Microsoft turned him into the richest man on the planet.

But it wasn’t just Gates that got rich.

According to one economist who studied Microsoft’s growth, it also created more than 10,000 new millionaires … by the year 2000 alone.

According to a New York Times report, those Microsoft investors used their newfound wealth to do everything from building home theatres and pools to taking 30 family members to a five-star resort.

One endowed a professorship at Oxford University … while another bought a bowling league.

If you’d invested $1,000 in Microsoft the day after it IPO’d … actually no, let’s compare more apples to apples here. If you’d invested $1,000 in Microsoft in 1987, a whole year after it went public, today you’d be sitting on $1.81 million.

That’s the power of being in the right place … at the right time … with the right people.

And starting today, in just one simple, smart investment you can seed your money alongside David E. Shaw, Bill Gates and several other billionaire investors — in a stock with mind-boggling potential.

This time around, you’ll have the chance to be right there alongside Shaw and Gates if it goes supernova.

Just stick with me, and I’ll show you how to get the name and ticker you need to make your move now.

But first — who am I and why am I sharing this opportunity with you today?

Again, my name is Ted Bauman.

I’ve worked as an economist and advisor to the World Bank, the United Nations and several governments around the world.

You may have seen me on Fox Business, or seen my name in Barron’s or Forbes magazine.

But to be honest … while it’s nice to share my work with a global audience, chasing the next media appearance isn’t really what gets me out of bed in the morning.

What motivates me more is helping everyday folks succeed in a world that’s often rigged against them.

I spent two decades in South Africa, helping 14 MILLION people all over the world secure their financial futures.

Nine years ago, I came back to America to continue my mission.

I set out to help everyday investors take on a financial system that’s rigged in favor of the rich and powerful … and win.

And I’ve gained quite a following … I have two bestselling books, nearly 90,000 newsletter subscribers and my YouTube channel has more than 1.6 million views.

Why do so many folks follow my work?

Because I dedicate most of my time to tracking down wealth-building opportunities like the one I’m sharing with you today.

A look at some of my own personal trades shows you that I have a knack for doing exactly that…

I’ve been able to time some of my personal tech trades perfectly…

I invested in QuantumScape, a company that makes batteries for electric cars and made an 82% gain … in less than a month.

I invested in CleanSpark, a company that connects various forms of green energy for efficiency, and made gains of 114% and 170% … in less than a month.

I invested in Roku, a streaming entertainment company, for a gain of 158% … in just six months.

And Digital Turbine, an app company, for gains of 392%, 305%, 282% and 349% … in less than 12 months.

Of course, not every trade is a winner and these are all fast-moving examples from my personal account.

But I’m not here to talk about the past.

Because I believe the stock I’ve just been telling you about could blow everything else out of the water.

My team and I have poured countless hours into researching and analyzing this opportunity.

If you want to make real money in 2022 and beyond … you simply must see what I’ve found.

Which is why I recently put together a detailed briefing containing everything you need to know to make a small fortune from this stock.

It’s called The $50 Stock at the Forefront of a $30 Trillion Tech Disruption.

I’d like to send you a copy today.

In fact, in the next 30 minutes, you could have the crucial insights you need to capitalize on this tiny stock.

But my advice is … don’t wait.

See, the discovery or approval of new drug breakthroughs can be one of the single most lucrative events in the financial world.

Take an example like Gilead Sciences — a top performer…

In 2016, it had a new Hepatitis C drug approved … and its share price went absolutely ballistic…

Seres Therapeutics is another great example…

When it had a new drug approved in 2019, its share price went up by as much as 600% ... in a single day.

Then you have a stock you’ll probably be familiar with … Moderna.

It has only ever had one drug approved and that was for emergency use by the FDA…

And yet, that’s been enough to propel the stock more than 1,000% higher in three years.

Put simply, just ONE breakthrough drug can send a company’s share price ballistic … and make early investors a fortune.

Which is why it’s so urgent you get into the tiny company I’ve been telling you about early.

Because thanks to its incredible patented technology, this company works with all 30 of the world’s biggest pharma companies.

As a result, it has not one…

Not two…

But 25 different drugs under development.

Each one of them has the backing of a pharma giant.

Those drugs could help treat everything from cancer to fibrosis …heart disease … tuberculosis … and neurodegenerative disease.

Several are already in clinical trials.

Many more are still in the “discovery” and testing phase.

And Any One of Those Projects Could Send This Company’s Share Price Vertical.

But it doesn’t end there…

Because on top of that, it has another EIGHT potential drugs that it has “discovered” in-house, designed to fight diseases like cancer and immune disorders.

In other words, this company is the key to loads of potential drugs that could save millions of lives … and deliver the kind of stunning returns you rarely see from “regular” stocks.

And it gets even better…

Because each one of those drugs could deliver a “double-payday” — upfront cash AND an unlimited amount of revenue in the future.

It’s all thanks to a very shrewd royalty strategy this company uses … one that I think could see its share price really ramp up in the near future.

It works like this…

First, the company gets paid millions of dollars to help discover a new potential drug.

It runs its patented data processing algorithms on some of the world’s most powerful supercomputers to find new chemical compounds.

They’re not drugs … yet.

But with further testing and clinical trials … they could be the blockbusters of tomorrow.

And this “discovery” phase can be extremely lucrative.

One deal I dug into allowed the company to get paid $55 million in upfront cash, thanks to one discovery.

That’s a lot of money, by anyone’s book.

But it’s just the first stage.

Second, this company gets to collect regular royalty payments as the drug is developed, potentially approved and rolled out.

It’s these royalties that make it such a smart investment right now.

Take that $55 million deal I just told you about.

That might sound like a lot of cash…

But it’s NOTHING compared to the future cash flows this company could get paid … which could add up to $2.7 billion.

That’s almost 5,000% more cash than it received upfront.

It’s this double-payday strategy that gives this stock such unique potential.

We’re not talking about small amounts of money here, either.

I saw one report that suggested this company could see a 700% growth in its royalties in the next 11 years.

And based on my own calculations, that might well be conservative.

Because this gets even better. This company is ALSO:

A Backdoor Way to Play SEVEN Up-and-Coming Pharma Stocks.

See, when you buy stock in this small company, you don’t just get to invest alongside billionaires like David E. Shaw or Bill Gates…

…you also effectively get a “backdoor” stake in seven more innovative companies.

That’s because our little company works with (and part owns) several pre-IPO companies, giving you a backdoor way to invest in them that you wouldn’t otherwise have.

One is creating a whole range of antifungal drugs that could treat diseases like malaria.

Its drugs could one day be billion-dollar blockbusters … yet right now you can’t buy stock on the open market. (The only people likely to be able to get in are — you guessed it — billionaires with connections that help them get into private deals that are off-limits to regular folks.)

But by owning the smart little stock I’ve been telling you about … you could benefit if its drugs become blockbusters.

And these stakes can be worth a lot of money … in 2017, the company received $46 million as part of just one deal.

Look. Let me make this really simple for you:

This is your chance to join forces with America’s most secretive billionaires…

…to effectively partner up with master investors like Cathie Wood, Bill Gates and Ron Baron.

…in a company Wall Street insiders have dubbed “Even More Compelling than an Early Stage Tesla.”

Opportunities like this come around very, very rarely.

In fact, this might be the only chance like this you ever get.

And staking your own claim alongside these billionaires couldn’t be easier.

All you need to do is grab a copy of the briefing I just told you about, The $50 Stock at the Forefront of a $30 Trillion Tech Disruption.

In it, I give you everything you need to make your move. You’ll get the name, ticker and full investment case for this stock. That includes the risks involved here.

After all, this is the stock market we’re talking about. There are no guarantees and no one can see the future. That’s why you should only risk money you can afford to lose.

But I will say this…

All stocks involve taking a risk.

But very few stocks have potential like this.

That’s why I’d urge you to grab a copy of that report now.

But that’s actually just the first of a whole series of opportunities I’d like to give you access to today.

As I mentioned, my mission is to help Main Street investors take advantage of the very best wealth-building opportunities in the world.

The company I’ve been telling you about is certainly one of them.

But just imagine you had access to outstanding opportunities every single month … giving you countless chances to grow richer.

That good news is, there is.

It’s called The Bauman Letter.

And if what you’ve seen today has you excited … you’re going to love it.

Don’t just take my word for it, either.

Nearly 100,000 people read The Bauman Letter every single month.

People like Dana C. who called The Bauman Letter:

“...the best investment I evver made. It's invaluable.”
— Dana C.

Paul H. said:

“I’ve tried everything possible out there. This is the real deal for anyone looking to secure their financial future.”
— Paul H.

Subscriber Joe S. described these monthly newsletters as:

“Akin to receiving a letter from a friend… a well informed friend. Your picks are generally not mainstream picks that I would have found on my own. I’m up considerably. I also appreciate your practice of providing interim updates to the Letter and not waiting until the next month to get a promising pick out to your subscribers.”
— Joe S.

Messages like that make my whole job worthwhile. Knowing I’m helping people stay one step ahead of the markets — and build wealth for their families — that’s what gets me out of bed in the morning.

And I get plenty of messages from people who’re using my work to make good money…

Here are some other favorite ones…

Richard W. recently wrote in to tell me:

“I'm up by 70% in just two months.”
— Richard W.

Charles H. says:

“Up 39% in less than a month.”
— Charles H.

And Lawrence L. saw:

“I saw 179% in fifteen months!”
— Lawrence L.

Now, these are all real messages I’ve received from paying subscribers. I’ve chosen them because they perfectly demonstrate what I’m trying to do.

But your own success may vary. It depends on things that are personal to you: how much capital you have to invest, how much time you have and so on.

Put simply, the only way to find out EXACTLY what kind of impact my work will have on your life, money and family is to try it yourself.

And that’s exactly what I’m here to help you do.

I’d Like to Invite You to Join The Bauman Letter Today.

When you do, you’ll get the report I’ve been telling you about … The $50 Stock at the Forefront of a $30 Trillion Tech Disruption.

But that’s not all…

You’ll also get a second report I’ve prepared revealing everything you need to know about another big opportunity I’ve found.

At the heart of this opportunity is another small, innovative company.

One I believe is crucial to a trillion-dollar boom unfolding in America today.

Once again, it involves a state-of-the-art algorithm.

But it’s not pharmaceuticals this largely unknown company is disrupting, but energy.

It has developed an algorithm that could herald a revolution in the energy market.

Its tech is already being used by the likes of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, UPS and Walmart.

And it has already improved energy performance by as much as 975%.

How so?

That’s simple. It incorporates battery technology and energy storage into its systems — meaning it can help “smooth” demand for energy at expensive times.

That makes energy cheaper, smarter and more efficient.

And perhaps most excitingly…

It’s already ahead of Tesla when it comes to deploying energy storage around the world.

And once again, this is a company with some very well-connected backers.

Blackstone, Soros Fund Management and Fidelity have all staked millions of dollars on it.

And today, you have the chance to join them.

To get my full write-up on the stock, all you need to do is grab a copy of a report I’ve put together called Investing in America’s Smart Energy Superstar.

You’ll discover:

Stick with me and you could be reading this report within minutes.

You’ll learn the names, ticker symbols, additional details and my specific buy-up-to prices for this company.

But — and sorry if I sound like a broken record here — that’s still not all you’ll get.

Because The Bauman Letter isn’t just about investing in breakthrough tech stocks.

My goal is to help you become a richer, smarter and more confident investor.

That means if I think something could help you achieve your financial dreams … I’ll share it with you.

Like a third bonus I want to give you access to today. It’s a book called Endless Income: 50 Secrets to a Happier, Richer Life.

Inside you’ll learn about ideas and strategies that are a perfect complement to anyone’s portfolio. It shows you how to create an endless stream of income through various investments … investments that can pay you much more than just stashing your money in a bank account, bonds or the like.

This book is valued at $50 … but I’ll happily mail you a physical copy, for free.

That means if you accept my offer today, you get instant access to THREE wealth-boosting bonuses:

PLUS, you’ll also get a monthly subscription to my research service — The Bauman Letter.

Each month, you’ll receive a powerful eight-page research report I send out to about 100,000 subscribers.

The Bauman Letter is how I bring you my new stock recommendations and exciting opportunities to grow your wealth.

Again: The best way to tell you about this research is just to share the messages I receive from current subscribers.

Edward shared:

“Ted is very good at picking solid companies that are poised to move up and, just as importantly, picking the right time to buy them. My portfolio has done extremely well since I subscribed, even with the pandemic crisis. *I gave his newsletter 5 stars for ‘value for price’ but it really deserves 10 stars.”
— Edward

Nancy said:

“I’m a novice investor. Small and cautious. I started with the Bauman Letter in January 2020 and as of December, I have made investments in six picks. All of them are making money. I have never had this type of success before.”
— Nancy

But The Bauman Letter is more than just a monthly newsletter. You also get: weekly webinars and video updates (with full transcripts, if you prefer to read).

Each week, my team and I field your most frequently asked questions about the market, the economy and our top investment recommendations.

I use these to keep you up to date on new opportunities we’re looking into and keep you ahead of any financial threats I see on the horizon.

You’ll also get full access to my model portfolio.

This portfolio contains all of my top investment recommendations for your best shot at big, sustained profits throughout any market conditions.

Each stock recommendation is the result of hundreds of hours of research.

Subscriber Charles G. said:

“The research and information are so good that my account grows with each investment that I make.”
— Charles G.

Every stock comes with a full report into why we believe it’s set to outperform the market, as well as its short- and long-term profit potential.

You’ll also receive my daily investment email, Bauman Daily.

Markets move fast — sometimes at lightning speed. So I’m in touch with subscribers nearly every day to help guide you and help you make good decisions, even when others are losing their heads.

We got a great example of this during the COVID crash in early 2020.

On February 13, 2020, I issued a public warning to my subscribers that the market was headed for a downfall. “We’re entering risky territory. There is a risk of correction.”

You remember what happened next.

The stock market dropped like a rock. But I was able to help thousands of people sidestep the worst of the crash.

Even better, I helped them sort through the rubble to find new opportunities.

In March, I recommended they grab shares of HP. As of right now, it’s up 128%.

In April, I said “BUY HOUSING!” And look what’s happened since…

That’s why my daily investment email is so valuable.

We’ll set you up with a free subscription if you don’t have one already.

You’ll also receive access to my private website.

I keep all my latest information on an encrypted website that members can access from anywhere.

You’ll also have access to a dedicated customer care team.

I’ve built a dedicated customer care team for The Bauman Letter subscribers. If you ever have questions about your subscription, simply give one of my team members a call. They’ll walk you through whatever you need.

So how much would you expect to pay for all of this?

I charge just $199 a year for access to everything you just saw. That’s less than $20 a month … less than most people spend on coffee.

I think that’s great value. And it seems my subscribers agree.

As I said earlier, my mission is to help people.

And I want to make sure my work reaches the biggest number of people.

So I’m willing to give you your first year for the deeply discounted price of just $47.

And don’t worry. That fee is FULLY REFUNDABLE for the next year. If you don’t like what you see … you can just request a refund at any point in the next 12 months. We’ll part as friends and you can keep all the research and opportunities I’ve sent you.

So this is it… decision time.

Just think about what’s on the table for you today.

This is your chance to get me in your corner — and move on one of the most compelling stock opportunities in recent memory.

Remember: David E. Shaw has already turned the financial world on its head, creating a billion-dollar quant hedge fund.

Now — alongside a slew of other billionaires with incredible track records of being one step ahead of the market — he’s backing a radical new company.

This is your chance to be a part of that story … and to seed your money alongside those billionaires.

Who knows when — or if — you’ll get another chance like it.

But history does give us plenty of examples of people who were given a chance to be part of something like this … and turned it down.

Like Ronald Wayne … the “third founder” of Apple, alongside Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

He sold his 10% stake in the company after just 12 days for $800.

Today 10% of the company would be worth over $200 billion, making Wayne one of the richest men alive.

Or Blockbuster CEO John Antico … who famously turned down the chance to buy Netflix (legend has it he laughed at the proposal)…

Yet Netflix became one of America’s biggest success stories … and bankrupted Blockbuster in the process.

Or Joe Green … Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard roommate.

He could have had a 5% stake in Facebook, but his dad talked him out of it.

That stake today would be worth more than $40 billion.

Just imagine how much that must hurt.

That’s why I’d urge you to move now.

Even a small investment could be life-changing.

But if you walk away … you could regret it.

I don’t want that to happen.

I’m here to help you share in this incredible opportunity — and all the other opportunities I’ve told you about.

Just hit the button directly below to get your first year of The Bauman Letter at a steeply discounted price.

I can guarantee you a very warm welcome.

I Want To See The Details

January 2022