[ Official Transcript ]

You want to invest in cryptocurrencies?
I don’t blame you.
After all, a few years ago, the number of bitcoin millionaires would fill this tiny section of the Seattle Seahawks’ football stadium.

About a thousand seats.
Today, the number of bitcoin millionaires would fill the entire stadium … every, single seat.
That’s because, thanks to bitcoin’s incredible five-year rally, there are now 100,000 bitcoin millionaires.

Many invested in bitcoin early on and watched their accounts swell as it soared from a few hundred bucks to over $60,000.

If you’re one of these millionaires, congratulations.
If you’re not, don’t worry, you’re about to get a second chance.
Because as amazing as the bitcoin rally was, it’s about to look tiny.
Like a blip on a chart.

That’s because experts are predicting another rally, one that will be 20X larger.
That’s right.
Potentially creating enough millionaires to fill this stadium, well … 20 times.
However, this massive rally won’t come from bitcoin…
It will come from a lesser known, alternative crypto that experts are calling the “Next Gen Coin.”
A crypto Goldman Sachs confessed “could overtake bitcoin” and the Nasdaq confirmed is a “contender to be the next crypto king.”
Which is why JPMorgan revealed big institutions are piling in.
And so are the rich and famous.
Mark Cuban proclaimed:

Billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin said:

And Elon Musk made sure it was one of the only three coins he owns.

That’s because, as you’re about to see, this Next Gen Coin has the ability to overtake bitcoin … and “power the rails of global finance.”

Allow that to sink in for a moment…
Experts are saying this Next Gen Coin has the ability to power the rails of global finance … a $100 trillion industry.
For comparison, the 5G market is worth $50 billion.
The artificial intelligence market is $60 billion.
And the electric vehicle market is nearly $1 trillion.
Yet, the global finance industry is $100 trillion.

And this Next Gen Coin is at the center of it all.
It’s no wonder experts predict it will be 20X as big as bitcoin.
But, if you want to invest, if you want the opportunity to have a seat in the millionaire stadium, you’ll have to act within the next three months. Because, as this report explains, an “upgrade date” will revolutionize this coin, potentially sending it 70X higher. Yet, 99% of Americans don’t even know this coin exists.
Today, right here on this stage, I’m interviewing the man who put this report together.

His name is Ian King.
He’s the former hedge fund manager who’s been taking the crypto market by storm with a string of wins that includes gains as high as 1,061% in Binance, 1,934% in Solana and an impressive 18,325% … yes, 18,000% … in Luna … each win coming within a year, or less.

His uncanny track record explains why over 70,000 people from 119 countries eagerly pay for his insight … including advisers at Wall Street’s top firms, such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan.

So, take out a pen and a piece of paper, and get ready to be amazed. Because today, for the first time ever, Ian King is going to reveal everything you need to know about this Next Gen Coin.
John: Ian, thanks for joining us for this special event.
Ian: Thanks for having me, John. Great to be here.
John: Over the last decade, nearly every single American, including me, has become curious about cryptocurrencies. It’s hard not to when we see a coin, like bitcoin, rise from just $10 … to over $60,000 … turning ordinary people into overnight millionaires.
Ian: Right. We went from about 1,000 bitcoin millionaires … enough to fill a small section of a football stadium…

To 100,000 bitcoin millionaires … enough to fill an entire stadium in the last five years.
John: And that’s incredible. But, it also makes me feel like I’ve been left behind. That I’ll never have a seat in that millionaire stadium.
Ian: Well, to be brutally honest, you won’t. That opportunity … it’s gone. You’ll never have a chance to make those kinds of gains again … in bitcoin.
John: But, I can somewhere else?
Ian: Right. In the Next Gen Coin that I describe in this report. It’s better than bitcoin and the 10,000 other coins out there such as Dogecoin and Ripple. And it’s positioned to stage a historic rally at any moment.
John: And you expect this opportunity to be 20X bigger than bitcoin, right?
Ian: I do. And that’s because of what’s going to happen on the upgrade date. It’s the reason why I, and other experts, believe this Next Gen Coin has the potential to “power the rails of all global finance.”

John: “Power the rails of global finance.” So, you’re effectively saying it’ll be the foundation of the entire global finance industry…
Ian: Yes. The stock markets, banking, insurance, real estate, derivatives, everything.
John: Every time I swipe my credit card, every time I buy a stock and every time I send money to a friend … this Next Gen Coin will be at the center of it all.
Ian: That’s what all my research is saying. And the entire global financial market is valued at $100 trillion.
John: You and I, we’ve been talking a lot over the last week about this topic. And that 100 trillion number was almost too hard for me to comprehend, so … I had my team create this chart.
It really puts everything into perspective.
The 5G market is worth $50 billion.
The artificial intelligence market is $60 billion.
And the electric vehicle market is nearly $1 trillion.
These are all big industries responsible for massive stock market gains over the last five or so years … such as Marvell’s 1,000% rise, Nvidia’s 2,000% rise and Tesla’s 2,500% rise.

Yet, the global financial industry, is worth $100 trillion … and this one coin is going to transform it?
Ian: Well, “transform” is kind of a weak word. The financial industry is about to be blindsided. This coin is going to shake up the entire industry. Flip it on its head. Just like Netflix blindsided the traditional entertainment industry and Amazon blindsided traditional retail, this coin is going to blindside traditional finance.
John: Which is why investors should be leaning in, and paying close attention.
Ian: John, this Next Gen Coin is one of the biggest investment opportunities in history. Cathie Wood is even calling for a 7,200% rally by the end of the decade.
John: 7,200%. That’s incredible. And I can invest in this coin today?
Ian: Yes. And you should invest today. You can start with as little as $20 if you want. But you should invest soon because the institutional money is starting to pile in.
UBS, JPMorgan and, of course, Cathie Wood’s Ark are all accumulating positions in this Next Gen Coin.

John: How much money are we talking about here?
Ian: Tens of billions. And not just from big institutions … the world’s richest people are also seizing the opportunity.
Mark Cuban is loading up saying this Next Gen Coin “has the most upside.” So are Ray Dalio and Elon Musk.

John: OK. Those are some heavy hitters. So, the smart money is buying this Next Gen Coin as we speak. And, if folks want a chance to become the next crypto millionaire, they need to act now, because these guys likely see what you see … what you describe in this document as the upgrade date.
Ian: Right. And they want to invest before the upgrade date, which my sources say will be in the next three months.
John: Got it. And right now, we can invest alongside Wall Street, hedge funds and billionaires?
Ian: Exactly. America’s biggest tech firms, such as Tesla, Google, Amazon are starting to invest too. The list is growing by the minute. This Next Gen Coin is starting to move higher. It’s going up, right now.

My point is, when the big money, the smart money, and Big Tech starts to pile in, you want to get in.
John: And right now is that time?
Ian: Yes. Take a look at this pie chart. Less than 1% of the world knows this coin exists, fewer own it. But word is getting out.

John: And, as this happens, as word gets out, this coin … it’s going to take off!
Ian: That’s right.
John: Which is why we’re here today. To make sure you don’t miss this opportunity. In just a minute, Ian’s going to reveal the details on this Next Gen Coin. He’ll also explain why this upgrade date is so important and how you can invest in this coin today. Because this is like investing in bitcoin five years ago.
Ian: But much bigger. My sources are saying that, within the next decade, the market value will be 20X bigger than bitcoin.
John: Well, if anyone knows what that’s like, it’s you. You’ve been investing in and out of bitcoin since 2013, when it was trading for about $100.

You’re one of the most accurate crypto experts in the world. In fact, you called the 1,000% bitcoin rally during a live interview.
Can we play that clip?
Now, listen closely, because as bitcoin was falling from $20,000 to $6,000, Ian made a bold statement.
Click to Play
John: Now, we have a chart that shows how this played out.
Ian called bitcoin’s bottom, right around here, and then it rebounded. It took a few months, but it went on to rally over 1,000%.

However, at that time, the media was bashing bitcoin. Entrepreneur called it “The Swindle of the Century”, Goldman Sachs said “bitcoin is never coming back” and others warned: “Bitcoin Investors will get slaughtered.”

So, they said it was getting slaughtered while Ian said “buy.”
What did you see that they didn’t?
Ian: Well, I could see the smart money was piling in.
At that time, Andreesen Horowitz raised $300 million for a crypto fund.
Peter Thiel also started a bitcoin fund worth hundreds of millions.
Soros Fund Management and Rockefeller’s venture capital firm, Venrock, got into the action.
Even Yale University’s endowment started to invest in bitcoin.
John: These are investors who rarely go public with what they’re doing.
Ian: Right. But all that smart money flowing into bitcoin kicked off a chain reaction.
The big money started piling in...
Ray Dalio, Stanley Druckenmiller and Paul Tudor Jones started loading up on bitcoin.
Venture capital firms invested $30 billion.
Companies like Square invested $200 million, Tesla invested $1 billion and Microstrategy invested over $3 billion.
Here’s my point, and this is important: When I see the smart money loading up, I know the big money will follow.
John: When you see smart money loading up, you know the big money will follow.
Ian: And sure enough, pretty soon Wall Street changed its attitude.
It was leaked that Morgan Stanley was the first big U.S. bank to offer its WEALTHY clients access to bitcoin.

And Goldman Sachs followed suit one month later…

Pretty soon, Wall Street firms offered big pay increases to amass crypto armies full of new analysts.

Ian: Crypto armies. This sounds intense.
Ian: It was. Even conservative companies like MassMutual and BNY Mellon got in on the action.
John: So, I want to watch what the smart money does, and then get in before the big money piles in.
Ian: That’s the goal.
John: And look what happened…

In roughly a year, bitcoin went up, and continued to rally more than 1,000%.
Ian: That’s why it’s important to watch what the smart money is doing.
John: But how does one do that?
Ian: Most can’t. It’s just too complicated. However, I have a team of about 20 people, including Chartered Market Technicians and CFAs, who are monitoring feeds … like Bloomberg and Cap IQ … to see what the smart money is doing. We spend millions to track where the money is flowing.

John: It makes sense. When the smart money moves in, the big money follows. And when tens of billions of dollars pour into an investment, the results are inevitable … the price soars.
Ian: Especially with cryptocurrencies. You have to remember, the entire crypto market is only worth $2 trillion right now. Compare that to the global financial market which is worth $100 trillion.

John: So the cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy.
Ian: Exactly. And what we’re seeing is a bunch of big institutions shifting their money out of stocks, bonds and the like … and into cryptos.
John: It seems that when the institutions move just a little bit of their money over to cryptos, the market is going to explode higher.
Ian: John … if they move just 2% of their money, the entire market will double. But, the top cryptos … like this Next Gen Coin … will soar.
Right now, it’s market cap is just about this size.

And now that billions of institutional dollars are starting to flood into this coin, well, I expect Cathie Wood’s prediction will come true … we’ll see 7,200% growth by the end of the decade.
John: The 7,200% could be conservative.
Ian: It could be. Again, the money is just starting to flow in, so you’ll want to invest before the upgrade date.
John: Well, I can’t wait to learn more. I want a seat in the millionaire stadium. And I want to hear more about this upgrade date.
But, you may have a few doubters in our audience, so I want to take a moment to talk about your track record.
Ian: Okay.
John: Because it’s important you understand that Ian King is easily the most accurate investor in the world.

Now, you’ve likely seen Ian on the major media outlets where’s he’s given away some amazing recommendations, such as this interview from 2018 when he recommended both Apple and Google.
Both have gone up over 200% since is recommendation.
In February of 2020, Ian even warned the Fox News audience about the coronavirus saying, “We haven’t seen this fully play out yet.” One month later, the markets crashed.
However, even more impressive, Ian went on to recommend multiple cryptos for people to invest in
On May 4, 2020, Ian recommended Binance, at just $17 per coin.
Less than a year later, on February 18, he sold the position for about $200. A gain of 1,061%. That’s a 10X gain in just one year.

In December of 2020, he recommended Solana. It was the faster version of Ethereum. It was trading for under $2 and just five months later, he sold half the position for over $34. That’s a gain of 1,900% …

The other half has gone up as high as … 15,000% … 150-fold.
Ian recommended Luna the same month, at just $0.48. A mere $0.48. Four months later, he recommended selling half the position for over $19, a profit of 3,981%. And then he sold the last half in December of 2021, just one year after he bought it, for $89. That’s a gain of 18,325%.

Ian … truly, spectacular. People made 180 times their money on that one trade. And to help our viewers put this in perspective, can you bring that bag out … every one of these...

Turned into this...

Ian: That does put it into perspective. Look it was a great win.
John: Great? Ian, that’s one for the record books. You’ve received dozens of letters from people who have followed your recommendation to buy Luna.

Hey folks … a quick update. All three of those trades I just mentioned were from one of Ian’s premium research services. People collectively spent over $12 million to access those kinds of trades. But today, for the first time ever, Ian’s revealing how you can get his top crypto recommendation … this Next Gen Coin … to everyone watching. But … as you’ll see in a moment, he goes even further. He’s about to detail three additional cryptos he calls “100X Coins.” There’s the “The Google of Crypto,” “The Amazon of Crypto” and “The Meta coin.” Like the last coin I just mentioned, each of these cryptos has the potential to go up 100-fold within a year … 100-fold. So, again, have a pen and a piece of paper handy. You’ll want to get all the details.
Ian, you’ve received dozens of letters from people who have followed your recommendation to buy Luna.
And I know … I know … you’re eager to hear more about this Next Gen Coin, but I want to take a moment to read a few of the letters. Because these are letters from people who once sat in your seat, watching a presentation just like this one. They started following Ian’s insights, and, made a ton of money.
This first letter is from Charles. He’s from Texas and said:

So, Charles turned $800 into $54,000 within a year.
The best part … he said: “I’ve already bought a Harley Davidson with these profits…”
Ian: That’s awesome, Charles … if you’re watching right now … congratulations! You’re one of the few who had the chance to invest and make gains like this. Enjoy your Harley! I love hearing stories like this.
John: Then you’ll love this next letter. This one is from Edward. He said:

So, Edward turned $1,300 into $150,000.
These are small investments that are turning into six-figure windfalls.
Ian: Yeah, the nice thing about gains like this, they don’t have to bet the farm, to buy a farm. And, look, it was a great market. The stars really aligned for us. So results like this aren’t typical.
John: Yeah, but … I’ve heard a lot of “experts” say that they can do this kind of stuff, but … I’ve never seen the proof. Not like this. You’re the real deal, Ian. And you’ve been doing this since 2013.
Again, Edward turned $1,300 into $150,000 … Ian, that’s insane. Now, before the show, I did some calculations. It would take Edward over 60 years to make the same gains in the stock market. 60 years. Yet, Edward made those gains in one year.
Ian: A year and two days, to be exact. And that’s what’s possible when you can see what the smart money is doing, and get in before the BIG money piles in. A person can make 60 years of gains in just 1 year.
John: And, as you said, this Next Gen Coin is going to be even more exciting. And, the folks watching right now, can start investing for as little as $20. I can’t wait to hear more.
But first, one more letter. This is from Linda in Arizona.
She wrote:

She turned $500 into $42,300.
Ian, or should I say … Sugar Daddy … she said she was scared, but now, thanks to you, she has $42,000.
Ian: That’s great to hear. And that’s what investing like this is all about.
However, again, I do want to be clear, this is an exceptional example. Most of my trades don’t go up 18,000%.
John: Ian. You’re being humble. The average trade that these folks had access to has lasted a little over a year … 16 months and 7 days to be exact … and you’re averaging 1,640% per trade.
1,640% … that includes both winners and losers. Unreal.
Ian: Yeah, and again, I have to give credit to my team. They are completely zeroed in on performance.
John: I’ve met your team. They’re extremely impressive. I don’t know anyone, Ian, in any industry, at any point in history, who has ever averaged over 1,600% per trade. And those are just the trades you guys closed out.
It’s amazing to think that this Next Gen Coin … the one our viewers can buy a stake in for just $20 … could eclipse all of this.
Ian: It is amazing. But, full transparency, if our viewers want these kinds of gains, they’ll have to act fast.
Look, if you buy in the next three months, before the upgrade date, you’ll be in a great position. A really great position. My research shows that this coin will be 20X bigger than bitcoin.
John: So, explain to our viewers, how this is possible. How can this Next Gen Coin have 20X the potential?
Ian: It’s because of what I call the Next Gen Effect. What this means is that 2.0 is always bigger and better than 1.0.
John: OK, explain what you mean.
Ian: Sure, so … think about Myspace. It was the 1.0 version of social media. It took off and was all the rage. Then Facebook came along and overtook it. It was the 2.0 version.

Early backers, like Peter Thiel, saw his investment grow about 10 million percent. Every $1 he invested back in 2004 has turned into $100,000.
You don’t have a bag of 100,000 one-dollar bills do you?
John: No, I don’t. That might take a truck. To your point … that IS insane. And, as mentioned, Peter Thiel is now investing in this Next Gen Coin.
Ian: That’s right. And we have the chance to invest alongside him.
AltaVista is another example. It was the 1.0 version of search engine. But then Google came along and overtook it. It was the 2.0 version.

Early investors, such as Jeff Bezos, made a 3 million percent gain. His $250,000 stake back in 1998 has turned into an $8.5 billion windfall.
John: Again, this is insane. Is Bezos also investing in this next gen coin?
Ian: My sources have confirmed that he has over a billion dollars in cryptos, and they strongly suggest he does indeed own this coin. But he has not publicly confirmed it, yet.
So, one more example. BlackBerry. It used to be the go-to smartphone. Especially in the business world. But then Apple came up with the iPhone and overtook it.
Shares of Apple were priced at a split adjusted 25 cents back in 2002. They’ve now traded for as much as $180 … that’s a gain of 72,000%.

John: Those examples are insane. Okay, so, your point is, the Next Gen Effect is when a 2.0 version surpasses the 1.0 version. And when that happens, massive profits can be made.
And that’s what’s happening right now in crypto?
Ian: Exactly. Bitcoin was the early mover. It is the 1.0 version of crypto. And while it may still have some room to go up, make no doubt … the better bet is the 2.0 version. This Next Gen Crypto is about to dominate.

The smart money is already investing, the big money is starting to follow … along with everyone else. You’ll want to invest soon.
All my research states that this next gen coin will surpass bitcoin by 20 times.
John: And if you’re right … like you have been so many times … we’re gonna see a ton of new millionaires.
Ian: Yes. We’re talking historic portions here.
John: Well, there are over 100,000 bitcoin millionaires. Enough to fill up an entire football stadium.

And if this is going to be 20 times bigger, we could fill up 20 of these football stadiums. That’s a lot of millionaires. We’re talking about 2 million Next Gen millionaires.
Ian: The 2.0 is always better than 1.0. The time to invest is now.
John: But how is it better? I get how Facebook made social media better, I get how Google made search better and I get how Apple made phones better. So, how will this Next Gen Coin make cryptos better? And, can you answer this question without using terms like decentralized finance, blockchain or tokenization.
Ian: Oh. That might be a challenge. Great question. You see, many of the crypto coins that you hear about all the time, they have the ability … the potential … to cut out the middle man: the banks, the insurance companies, the realtors, the brokers, the mortgage companies and Wall Street.
John: They’ll allow us to do any transaction, peer to peer.
Ian: Yes. Safely and securely. So, the entire global financial industry … a $100 trillion industry … is about to be disrupted. However, as I said, most coins have the potential to do this. But, they’re not there yet.
However, once this upgrade date hits … all that changes.
John: So, what is this upgrade date?
Ian: It’s when this Next Gen Coin gets a major upgrade that will allow it to crush its competition. You see, one of the major hang-ups is the amount of volume that these coins can handle.
John: The number of transactions they can process?
Ian: Right. For example, right now, bitcoin can process about five transactions per second. The Next Gen Coin, currently, can process about 30 per second.

John: Well, that sounds impressive. Thirty is a lot more than five.
Ian: It is, but … it’s not impressive if you want to disrupt the entire global financial system.
Visa, for example, handles 1,700 transactions a second. So, right now, the Next Gen Coin is handicapped.

But, after this upgrade date, after this upgrade, everything will start to change. It’ll have the ability to do 30 transactions, then 300, then 3,000, then 30,000 … and then, a full 100,000 transactions per second.

John: 100,000 transactions … per second?
Ian: That’s right. 100,000. 50 times the speed of visa. And, this is key, at a fraction … a tiny fraction … of the cost.
John: So, it’s faster and cheaper.
Ian: A lot cheaper. Right now, the typical business in America gets charged 2% up to 3.5% percent every time you swipe your card. Which is why Visa, American Express, Discover and Mastercard made a combined $100 billion last year.
John: Those “small” fees really add up. So, this Next Gen Coin is going to disrupt that entire industry.
Ian: John, all those fees … a big chunk of that $100 billion … will start to go back into our economy. And it’s not just the credit card industry, again, the entire financial industry will be disrupted. All $100 trillion of it.
Take Banking, for example. How much does your bank pay you for the money in your savings account?
John: Nothing. Maybe … .01%.
Ian: But, if you save your money in this Next Gen Coin, you can make up to 10% a year.
John: That would be incredible, and people are making that right now.
Ian: Yes, right now. Because, without getting too technical, it allows you to become the bank. This is all just a tip of the iceberg. It’s going to upgrade the way you invest in stocks, real estate … even collectibles like art and sports memorabilia.
John: So, in sum, it’s poised to give the entire financial system a major, and long overdue, upgrade.
Ian: Yes. And word is spreading fast. Forbes reported that the technology behind this coin is “sending seismic waves through the landscape of finance.”

ING bank says it’s going to be “more disruptive to banks than Bitcoin.”

And Mark Cuban commented:

Celebrities from basketball star Stephen Curry to the entrepreneur Jay-Z to rock star Gene Simmons are piling in.
John: Well, if Gene Simmons is in, I’m in. But to you point, word is getting out. This coin could really take off soon.
And as a 20-year Wall Street veteran … you’re saying this coin will “recreate the entire financial system.” We’re talking about a $100 trillion industry.
Ian: One that’s 2,000 times bigger than the 5G, 1,000 times bigger than AI and even a hundred times bigger than EVs…

John: So, I can see how this Next Gen Coin could easily shoot up to a $20 trillion market cap in the next decade … 20 times the size of bitcoin.
Ian: I said it earlier, and I’ll say it again: Based on my research, we’re looking at the greatest investment opportunity in history.
Look … Cryptos aren’t just another stock opportunity … like Facebook, Google, or Apple … they’re bigger. It’s an entirely new asset class. This is a once-in-a-500-year thing. It’s like discovering oil for the first time. Or being there when the stock market was created.
Cryptos have been around for about 10 years, they’re still in infancy. Less than 1% of the world owns them. Can you imagine what will happen when 10% of the world starts using them? 25%? 50%?
John: The prices are going to surge.
Ian: Right. And this Next Gen Coin is at the epicenter of it all.
John: You don’t have to tell me any more. I’m sold. It sounds like once this upgrade date hits … this coin will be on its way to doing 100,000 transactions per second … making everything faster and cheaper.
So, I know everyone is wondering, what is this coin and how can I invest in it?
Ian: I put all the details in this document … it’s called The Next Gen Coin: The Profit Opportunity of a Lifetime.

Inside, I reveal the name and exact ticker symbol of the coin. And more than that, I explain the entire upgrade date and why this coin is the most important technology of the 21st century.
John: Ian. You and your team have been working on this report day and night. You haven’t even put a fancy title page on it.
Ian: It doesn’t need one. It’s more important that we get this in the hands of our viewers today, than to spend a few extra days making it look pretty.
John: So, just to confirm, if I get this report, I can invest in this coin today?
Ian: That’s right. And you should buy it, today. Which is why I want to get this report into the hands of everyone watching right away. Look, I don’t want anything holding anyone back from getting into this Next Gen Coin.
John: Well, as you said, Cathie Wood … one of the top investors of our time … recently went on record calling for a 7,200% rise by the end of the decade.
So, if she’s right, and I invest $10,000 … it’d be a profit of $720,000. Is my math correct?
Ian: It is.

And I know a lot of you may be new to investing in cryptos, so I want to give you access to my Crypto Investing 101 video series.
John: Ian, I watched this series before I started investing in cryptos. And, I got to say, it really makes everything so simple.

Hi folks, a quick note, Ian and I didn’t spend much time talking about his Crypto Investing 101 video series.
Fact is, if you are new to cryptos or maybe have some reservations about getting started, you’re going to love this video series. Ian walks you through opening an account, making the first trade and so much more. You can watch it right from your phone or computer … so that you can start investing right away. It’s a must-have. You’ll love it.

Ian: And I want them to have the video series as well. But … I don’t want to stop there.

I have three additional crypto recommendations for our viewers in another report called 100X Coins.
John: OK, I love the sound of that. 100X … so, this report tells me about three coins that, I’m assuming, could literally turn $1,000 into $100,000.
Ian: That’s exactly right. These coins could go up 100-fold within one year.
John: Well, we’ve seen you do it. Your recommendation on Luna actually went up 180X in less than a year … and we saw how some of your subscribers turned $1,300 into as much as $150,000.
So, each of these coins has the same potential?
Ian: Yes. For example, the first coin I call the “Google of Crypto.” Much like Google searches the web, this crypto does the same for blockchain networks.
It’s proven to be blazing fast, low cost and easy to use.
Using the same chart I showed earlier, the Google of Crypto would be right here.

John: So, it’s a lot like buying bitcoin 10 years ago.
Ian: Right. Exactly. Now, I call the next coin the “Amazon of Crypto.” It’s a decentralized finance cloud storage platform. This coin is likely to make history as the fastest of its kind to reach a $1 billion market cap … yet, anyone can buy in for about $20.
Getting into it now is also a lot like getting into bitcoin early on … before it rose over 10,000%

John: Or, 100X.
Ian: Right. The third pick I call the “Meta Coin,” because it’s at the forefront of the Metaverse revolution. Facebook has talked about this concept before. It’s basically, the next generation of the internet. And this coin is an absolute steal. Especially since anyone can buy in for less than $25.

All of these coins have the potential to 100X within the next year.
The smart money is already buying, pretty soon … the big institutional money will flow in too … and the price will climb higher.
John: Ian, I’m a bit blown away. I was already sold on the Next Gen Coin, which could rise 72 fold by the end of the decade. But, I think these are even more enticing.
Ian: They are. They’re not as “big” as the Next Gen Coin. They won’t be valued in the trillions. They’re like micro coins that have the potential to move very quick, just like we saw with Luna when it rose 180 times.
John: So, just to confirm, our viewers today can get all the details on all three of these 100X coins, along with the Next Gen Coin, in these two reports.
Ian: That’s right. And I’ll send them a digital copy today. But I have one more thing … a third report.
John: This just keeps getting better. A third report.

Ian: It’s called Banking 2.0 and it reveals a company that’s going to disrupt the entire banking industry by offering people an easy way to buy and sell cryptos.
John: So it’s not a crypto, it’s a stock.
Ian: Yes. I have a lot of confidence in this company. Mark Andreesen, who sits on the board, does too. He’s the same guy who serves on the board of Facebook, and so many other tech companies.
John: So, he knows a disruptive company when he sees one.
Ian: And he sees one in this company. Ark, BlackRock and Tiger Global are buying shares of this stock already.
Goldman Sachs released a statement saying that stock is “the best way to gain exposure to the expansion of the crypto ecosystem.”
This stock could easily rise 1,000% by the end of the decade.
John: 1,000%. So this is a chance for everyday folks to invest as the big money piles in.
Ian: Yes. It’s a smart move to buy this stock.
John: OK, so … this is all very, very exciting. Let’s review real quick…
The first report, Next Gen Coin reveals what you call “the greatest investment opportunity in history” as this coin is set to be 20 times bigger than bitcoin and experts predict it to rise 7,200% by the end of the decade.

The second report, 100X Coins, reveals three coins that people can get in on for under $25. This includes the Google of Crypto, the Amazon of Crypto and the Metaverse Coin.

And the third report, Banking 2.0, reveals the company that’s creating a superior crypto trading platform, and has the potential to rise 1,000% by the end of the decade.

Ian, this is incredible.
Now, these reports … they each have a value of $499. But you’re giving them away, today, for free?
Ian: I’m not asking for a dime. I want as many people to profit from this as possible. Remember, the entire cryptocurrency market is valued at $2 trillion … that’s just 1/50th of the global financial market.
And as more and more people put their money into cryptos, these coins are bound to explode higher.
Especially this Next Gen Coin. Remember, 99% of the world has not invested in cryptos yet.
John: So, as every day investors move their money over to these cryptos, they’ll likely soar. It seems inevitable. And there’s still a lot of room to grow.
Ian: A TON of room. Which is why I’m taking everything one step further.
I also want to equip everyone watching with a risk-free, membership to my flagship research service… Strategic Fortunes.

John: This is … by leaps and bounds … my favorite investment service.
And I’m far from alone. Advisors from UBS, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan are among Ian’s 70,000 subscribers who span over 100 countries.

Ian, 70,000 people in over 100 countries. So, perhaps you can explain to our viewers, what Strategic Fortunes is exactly.
Ian: Sure … the simple answer is … it’s a service that lets you look over my shoulder to see exactly what I see … every trade I recommend and every insight I have on the market.
It all starts with my model portfolio. This includes my top cryptocurrency and stock picks. And any time I make a trade, I’ll let you know via email and text.

John: I love how you text every time a new trade alert comes out. I never miss a thing. I also use the app … so, it just pops up on my phone, and with a few clicks, I can make the trade. And it’s easy. You only make about one to two trades a month. We’re not day trading here.

Ian: Exactly. We aren’t traders, we’re investors. So, it only takes a few minutes a month to follow my insight.
John: Now, my favorite part is the weekly updates.
Ian: I’m glad you like them. I put a lot of time into these. Every Thursday afternoon, I send out a weekly update. These are simple 10-minute updates that just keep everyone in the loop on the positions we hold.

John: And you also include your take on the market. I like these especially when the market gets volatile. You come on and explain what’s really happening. So, they keep me level headed.
With that said, we’ve talked about some of your top crypto gains that these folks had access to, but your top stock gains are just as impressive.
OK, take a look at this…
Within two years, Ian closed out a 147% profit on Qualcomm and a 302% gain on Generac.

He even made a 137% profit on Inspire Medical Systems and a 735% gain on Tesla.

It just keeps getting better. Ian even sold half his position on SunPower for a 780% gain … in just seven months. 780%.

Ian, you have a phenomenal track record.
Ian: Well, I’ve been doing this a long time. For over two decades, both on and off Wall Street. With Strategic Fortunes, I wanted to bring my Wall Street expertise to Main Street investors.
John: We haven’t spoken about your Wall Street experience much today. As a former hedge fund manager, you actually crushed the market during the 2008 crisis … making a 250% gain in less than two years.

Your expertise is just part of the reason you speak around the world, why you’ve been invited on national TV and quoted in places like Forbes.
At this point, you’ve made your fortunes.
Ian: I’ve done well. Which is the main reason I started Strategic Fortunes. I could see that so many people were investing the wrong way. So, I developed a new way to help them invest in the market. I simply let them look over my shoulder, see my model portfolio and whenever I see a trade, I give them a heads up.
John: You’ve shown them how to invest in 5G, AI, EVs and of course, cryptos. You’re actually up more than 600% in Ethereum.
Ian: We’re living in some truly exciting times. My team and I are seeing so many opportunities out there.
John: I personally can’t keep up. But with Strategic Fortunes … I can. Whether it’s cryptocurrencies or stocks, you give us the chance to invest early, alongside the smart investors and before the big institutional investors.
Ian: I hold nothing back with this service. Strategic Fortunes puts all my best research and recommendations at your fingertips.
John: So, let me break down everything our viewers will be getting.

First, you get…

✔ The monthly Strategic Fortunes newsletter
Each month, Ian sends out a detailed briefing with complete research and analysis of his top investment recommendations for that month.

✔ The Strategic Fortunes model portfolio
This is where you can see EVERY stock and crypto that’s on Ian’s BUY NOW list — including the five investments he’s sharing with you today.

✔ Trade Alerts
We already spoke about the trade alerts.
They come via email, text and push notifications through the app, so you’ll never miss out on a big opportunity.

✔ Weekly Updates
And, as mentioned, every week, Ian will send out a video on important events happening in the markets and how they impact the model portfolio.

✔ You’ll also have access to a private, members only website
This is where all of our content is located … trade alerts, model portfolio, special reports and more.

✔ And of course, a dedicated customer care team
If you ever have a question about your membership, the Strategic Fortunes website or the model portfolio, you can reach out to our team for help.
Now, Ian, I know you put a lot of time and money into creating Strategic Fortunes…
Ian: Yeah, my firm spends over a million dollars a year on analysts, Bloomberg terminals, proprietary data sets and much more so we can track what the smart money is doing.
John: And that basically gives you an unfair advantage, allowing you to see what the smart money is doing and potentially get in before the big institutional investors.
Ian: Right. And when you can do that month in and month out, the returns can really stack up. Which is why I send out new investments every month.
John: I love it. And we’ll show everyone how they can sign up in a minute. As you’ll soon see, Ian will be making a 100% risk-free offer.
However, our viewers have sent in quite a few questions, both before and during this presentation, and I want to answer as many as we can in the next few minutes.
Ian: Sounds good. Let’s go.
John: Here’s one that I’m sure a lot of people are wondering…
Erik in Iowa says:

Ian: Well, I think bitcoin is a good, long-term hold. I predict it will still go up. I still own some. I just think this Next Gen Coin is better. A lot better.
John: Got it. This next question comes from Tony in New York. He wants to know:

Ian: Good question, Tony. It’s a bit like a large cap vs. small cap. The Next Gen Coin is a large cap … it’s a BIG opportunity. A lot of people will be able to invest and if my data is right… just like it has been so many times over the last decade … it WILL create a lot of millionaires.
But the other 100X Coins are small cap. They are speculative investments that trade under $25. They’re more exciting, for sure.
John: All four sound like a good investment. Mary, in Oklahoma, asks:

Ian: Great question. We have 70,000 subscribers to Strategic Fortunes, and many of them, like you Mary, are new to investing in cryptos. That’s why I put together the Crypto Investing 101 video series. It’s really quite simple … it’s easier than ordering a pizza online.
John: I was a lot like, Mary. I was worried at first. But then I watched your video series, and … I mean … it just made it all simple.
And Mary, keep in mind, we heard from Linda earlier who said she was new to cryptos and “scared” to invest. So, she put just $500 into each pick, and within in a year she made $42,300 with Luna. So, don’t let inexperience hold you back.

OK. Here’s another question… Tom in New York asks:

Ian: No. Not even close. And the beauty of cryptocurrencies is that you can buy fractional amounts. No matter what the price of a coin is, you can invest $5, $20 or $100 … and own a fraction of a coin.
John: OK, Ian, this next question comes from Frank in North Carolina. He wants to know:

Ian: Well, it really depends on each person’s own situation. My rule of thumb is to simply stay diversified. Never invest more than you feel comfortable with. And as with any strategy — you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.
John: Yeah, but this Next Gen Coin is super exciting. I mean, Cathie Wood says it will go up 7,200% by the end of the decade. Even if she is half right, that’s still a 3,000% gain.
Ian: Right, but, as I said earlier, don’t bet the farm. And you don’t have to because the potential is so big. Plus, you want to keep some money available for future picks. Remember, I’ll be giving one to two new picks every month. So, you’ll want to take advantage of those as well.
John: I’m looking forward to getting those picks. Again, what I love is how they just pop up on my phone, and I can make the trade when it’s convenient.
This next question is from John, he wants to know, what happens if the crypto market crashes?

Ian: A good question. As we all know, the market is volatile. So, expect ups and downs. However, I want to be clear, we are not traders, we are investors. As an investor, we think long term — we know cryptos have a big part in America’s future.
John: That’s a good lead in for this next question from Stacey in New Jersey. She says:

Ian: Well, she’s right. Inflation is a big issue. Most people don’t know this, but 80% of all the dollars ever printed in U.S. history have been printed in the last two years.
John: Hold up, Ian. 80%. That’s scary. It’s no wonder we’re seeing inflation.
Ian: Right. And I use the term “printing” loosely. They’re really just creating digital dollars. So, a lot of people are skeptical about digital currencies, but … the U.S. dollar already is a digital currency. And our government can print as much as they want, whenever they want, for whatever they want. We have no control.
John: And, I think we have to remember, the U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency. It’s the best out there. Other countries have extremely unstable currencies … so globally speaking, people are happily trading in their money for cryptos.
Ian: Absolutely. And a lot of these coins, such as the Next Gen Coin, have a contract for how many coins will be released every year. So you’re not at the mercy of the government’s money printing.
John: So, the scarcity makes your money more likely to go up in value, not down.
Ian: That’s right. Look, a hundred years in the future, history classes will talk about this moment in time, in the 2020s, when the entire world quietly revolted against the governments, and banks, by trading in their fiat currencies, like the dollar, for decentralized cryptocurrencies, such as the Next Gen Coin.
And I believe, because of the investments I’m making today in these cryptocurrencies, that my family, hundreds of years into the future, will reap the benefit.
John: We’re talking long-term generational wealth here.
Ian: It will be the equivalent of saying: “My great grandfather was there when the stock market was created.” That’s what we’re talking about here, John.
John: Well, I think your grandkids will be able to talk about how you created this wealth for them, and also how you created it for tens of thousands of others through this very presentation we’re recording today.
OK, this next question is from Aaron in Florida. He wants to know how he can sign up. Thank you, Aaron, we’ll get to that in just a moment.

First, we have a question from Michael in Minnesota. He says:

Ian: Good question, but no. That, that would be a disservice. Really. It’s very important that Michael reads the report on this Next Gen Coin, find out what the upgrade date is all about, the risks and the rewards and then decide how much he wants to invest.
And … just as importantly … I want Mike to get my top investment picks every month.
John: That’s the best part. The Strategic Fortunes service … I’ve been following you for years … and the results are phenomenal.

Last interruption, I promise. Ian gets a bit embarrassed when I brag about his results, so … I thought I’d record a short video that highlights some of the experiences that Strategic Fortunes subscribers are having. Some of these folks have been investing for years, others just started.
Jim Braden was up 300% on Tesla in just six months when he wrote this note:

He made a half a million dollars in six months. A half of a million dollars!
This next note is from Ronald Pelling. He said:

One more note here. This is from Harry Choi. He wrote:

These are people who have been with Ian for many years. And you’ll have the chance to join them in just one minute.
Ian: Today, the top investments are in cryptocurrencies. And it starts with this Next Gen Coin. It’s expected to be 20X bigger than bitcoin…
John: Right. And we’ve shown how the number of bitcoin millionaires went from filling a small section of the Seattle Seahawks stadium…

To filling up the entire stadium, and then some…

There are now over 100,000 bitcoin millionaires.
And that happened in about five years. Just five years.
But all the data suggests this Next Gen Coin is going to be 20X bigger by the end of the decade, that’s enough to fill 20 of those stadiums.
Ian: That’s right. And John … I want you to be one of those millionaires. I want everyone watching to be one of those millionaires. I want them to have a seat in the stadium, and enjoy one of the greatest games ever.
In my opinion, this is the best investment opportunity in history.
John: As you said, this coin is at the epicenter of the $100 trillion financial industry.
An industry that is 2,000 times bigger than 5G, 1,000 times bigger than AI and even a hundred times bigger than EVs…

And your research is clear. This Next Gen Coin is at the center of it all. It’s no wonder the market value has the potential to rise 20X bigger than bitcoin.
Ian: But, if you want in, you absolutely need to get a copy of my report, The Next Gen Coin.
John: This report is free, along with the other reports that reveal four additional investments that they can buy today. You’ll also be sending everyone your Crypto Investing 101 video series … all of this is free.

Ian: That’s right. It’s free when they accept a risk-free subscription to my Strategic Fortunes service.
John: Let’s talk about that some. I’d be willing to pay $5,000 a year. Even $10,000 a year for this service. But, you don’t charge anything near that.
Ian: I don’t. Look, I don’t want anything holding people back. Which is why I only charge $199 for a one-year subscription.
John: That’s a steal. Again, I’d be willing to pay so much more for it.
Ian: However, before the show, I authorized a special deal for our viewers today. Just for watching right now they can get full access to Strategic Fortunes for an entire year. It’s only $47.

John: $47. Hold on, that’s a lot less than the offer I got! I’ve never seen a price that low. Ian, are you sure? That’s an incredible deal you’re making.
Ian: Well, I truly want everyone to get in on this opportunity. When I say that this is the greatest investment in history, I mean it.
The entire financial system … a $100 trillion industry … is being overhauled. And this one crypto … the Next Gen Coin … is at the forefront of it all.
For centuries, people will be talking about this moment. And we all have a chance to be a part of it. To be a part of history.
John: Incredible. It truly is an exciting time.
We’ve covered a lot today. So, let me do a quick recap here.
Today, through this special offer, you’re getting three incredible reports.
- The Next Gen Coin.
- 100x Coins.
- Banking 2.0.

Each of these are valued at $499.
You’re also getting a year’s subscription to Strategic Fortunes. This is Ian’s flagship research service. An annual subscription normally costs $199.
That’s a value almost $2,000. But, when you order today, it’s yours for just $47.
Ian, again, this is an incredibly generous offer.
Ian: Everything is unfolding fast. The upgrade date is at our doorstep.
I don’t want anything to stand in the way…
Look. I know my research and recommendations will improve your life. I’m confident in that. So, earlier today, I talked to my entire team, and we agreed to give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the entire year.
John: A 100% satisfaction guarantee for the entire year. So, they can sign up for the service, try it out for the full year, and if they are not completely happy, completely blown away with the results, they get a full refund?

Ian: That’s right. I really want to make this a no-brainer. Especially if people felt like they missed out with bitcoin.
John: Ian, you’re being very generous today. I mean, you shared your knowledge and you’re giving away almost $2,000 in value for just $47.
Ian: Investing has been very good for me and my family. And I want others to experience that. I want them to experience what it’s like to wake up and see a $1,000 investment turn into $100,000.
John: Well, you’ve already done that for some people. Like with your Luna trade. We saw how one guy, I think his name was Edward, he invested $1,300 and it turned into $150,000, in just a year.

That’s enough money to buy a new car, take a luxury vacation, put a pool in the backyard… Heck, Edward can do all three.
I know our viewers can’t wait to get started. Ian, thanks for joining me today. I personally cannot wait … I cannot wait … to invest in this Next Gen Coin.
Ian: Thanks for having me, John. And, thank you for watching. I can’t possibly tell you how important it is for you to get started today. As in, right now.
John: I have to imagine everyone watching is as excited as I am. Again, thanks Ian.
Ian: You’re welcome.
John: You just heard from one of the world’s top crypto investors.
A former hedge fund manager who invested in cryptos like bitcoin, Ethereum and others for the last decade … before they went mainstream.
A man who’s already seen gains as high as 1,000% in Binance …

1,900% in Solana …

And 18,000% in Luna … all within a year.

This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
If you missed bitcoin at $100, at $1,000, or even $10,000, you now have a second chance to invest before the big money piles in.
This Next Gen Coin is positioned to leap higher. Mark Cuban, Cathie Wood and Elon Musk are already investing as this coin is in position to power the rails of the $100 trillion global financial industry.

You can invest alongside them, or get left behind.
The choice is yours.
Goldman Sachs confessed that this coin “could soon overtake bitcoin” and the Nasdaq confirmed it is a “contender to be the next crypto king.”
The time to act is now.
Click the orange button below this video to get started.
You’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can review everything you’re getting today.
Thanks again for being a part of this special event.
March 2022